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RE: Beauty of Vurhonga Savanna

in Gaming Photographylast year

Truth is - both the thumbnail picture and the title actually made me think that you did a mistake sharing your real life travel post with us in Gaming Photography although I was thinking this might be a game as well.

Your doggy looks wild beside the corpse of the lion.

Great captures, loved them.


Hehe... there will be someone who always thinks it was a real life shot. This just says a lot about the realistic graphics of this game.

Sheru is very courageous, he always follows me even go the deadliest predators. He was so relieved after I hunted those lions 😁

Sheru sounds like a fantastic companion. Take the best care of him (or is it her?).

HE is a good boy!

That's definately a "he"

That's definately a "he"

LOL, I didn't notice that deep when I was asking. 😂😂😂