Fornburg it is.

in Gaming Photographylast year

We were still out way towards Fornburg which is our home but you know I was stopping on my way to raid those clans of the enemies and after raiding Haervik Shipyard and checking on Heillboer, I found something strange while going towards Fornburg and stopped to raid another clan.

Leaving Haervik Shipyard, we were on our way towards Fornburg but I noticed this outpost right after we left Haervik Shipyard so we stopped there to raid this place as well.

After finished fighting the enemy warriors there which was not that hard for as as there were no clan masters, I noticed this was just another part of Haervik Shipyard and we could get here from that shipyard as well but I didn't notice anyone on this side so we didn't look for it.

After taking all those enemy soldiers down and done with the looting, we were leaving this place for good and suddenly it became dark.

After rowing the warship for a moment, I noticed this place called Deserted Chalet where we stopped to loot and I didn't found any peoples around there.

Going inside the hut there, I found this big chest which was locked and I needed to find key for this chest lock. I was looking around but all was finding were journals of peoples. So, I tried my raven to see things around and found an interesting place that I'm showing below.

When I was running to explore the interesting place, a wild wolf was trying to hunt me so I jumped on that tock and you can see the wolf below and there was a dead body of another wolf as well that looked like died from arrows.

This is the strange place I was talking about. I had belief that I'd find the key to that chest lock here so I was rushing to this place.

Reaching there, I found a plant named fly agaric and I could eat it and I did it. After eating that fly agaric, it looked liked Eivor, my character was in an illusion and he was seeing the sky colorful as you can see above.

Now I got a hallucination challenge there, I see so I was hallucinating atm. The challenge was to observe the signs and pass through the gates in the right order.

The first gate leads to Thruthheim, where Thor thunders until Ragnarok. The second gate leads to Freyja's Folkvang, for good men and women grown weary of battle. The third gate leads to Gladshein, where the All-father welcomes his blood-drinkers.

I failed in the challenge as I didn't understand the objective so I left the place and the hallucination as well.

Then we started rowing the warship again towards Fornburg and when we were close, I noticed this camp on top of the mountain which is called Sjaleng Lookout.

Going there, I found this man guarding the door so I was trying to take him down using my arrow but my arrows were not doing anything to him and he was not fighting me as well.

I went inside and understood this lookout outpost is ours. There I met the outpost leader who is a lady and was worried over something. I asked her what happened and she told me someone named Eyvind has wondered off again. Eivor said he'll have a look around for Eyvind.

I found a horse there so I started riding it and I noticed this synchronization point in the map so I climbed on top of it and did the synchronization. Sad part was, I couldn't jump from there as I didn't notice anything below that could save me so I had to just climb down on my own.

There I found Eyvind who was asleep on his watch. I woke him up but he seemed like started sleepwalking now haha.

Then I tried jumping from the mountain sitting on the horse and I was surprised seeing the horse could take all the big falls easily so I thought maybe horses don't die out of fall in this game.

But I was wrong as the horse died a moment later and I had to run all the mountains towards the river down and I met the outpost leader again she was talking the same even after I woke Eyvind up. I just gave up.

We sailed towards Fornburg and reached our destination after all this time.

There was this lady named Randvi who kind of welcomed us but it didn't seem like a warm welcome to me although Eivor was saying its a warm welcome as always. I guess this is the lady whom I'd get I'd choose the female character.

Eivor showed his fathers Axe to Randvi and was talking about her husband should be coming home today.

Randvi was suggesting to take the axe to Gunner who would give it back its edge and Eivor said he'd do that after visiting their king. But Randvi said that's not advisable as the king was meeting a messenger from the north. Their conversation ended soon and I got the permission to explore this place called home but I didn't explore it yet as I decided to stop playing at that moment.

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me.
All the in-game screenshots are taken by me.


That strange place looks really strange. Great takes. Can't wait to see the beauty of your home.
@sagarkothari88 vote 15%

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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️Hey @hrichakar! upvoted based on request from @gamingphoto

 last year  

You're right about that place, its real strange. Thanks for stopping by and for the vote.

You're most welcome.

Yay! 🤗
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, by @gamingphoto.

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Hi @gamingphoto, thank you so much for the boost.

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Thank you so much.