Celebrating Gaming Photography's Anniversary with Night Photography.

in Gaming Photography3 months ago

Hi, I'm back with another contribution to Gaming Photography community and this time I'm going to join Gaming Photography Weekly Contest - Theme: Night Photography. showing and talking about Night Photography in RDR 2.

Happy 1-year Happy Birthday to Gaming Photography Community.

After traveling to Rhodes for a job, I found a stranger's quest and there was this stranger sleeping on the bench under the lamppost, outside of Rhodes Railway Station.

It was past 2:30 AM when I found the man relaxing there and I noticed some beautiful surroundings around that looked perfect for Night Photographs.

I went to the other sided lamppost as there were not one around so I knew I'd find some clean frame there. I really like these lamppost shots in night photography, I even try to do it in real like or I used to try sometimes.

Before going for the side quest, I decided to capture more photos as I noticed the moon looked beautiful so I took my horse there in the open to do some night photography keeping the moon on the background.

When I was posing with the horse, I suddenly noticed a bird was flying above and I tried to see if I could capture some photos keeping the bird in the frames and voila! You won't believe what else I got till you don't see them.

How do you like this shot? I guess this is one of the best captures I tried till now. I just love it and I' might even keep some of them to use as desktop wallpapers in the future.

I didn't leave the bird already, I played and paused the frame to find different approaches of the bird as it'd move its wings with each frame and then I tried some special effects on this same frame from the photo mode.

Now, let's see some more Night Photography from different times, different locations and different perspectives.

Meet Ryo Inui. Well, I just named him and you should know who Ryo Inui is if you're a viewer of My Hero Academia. Izuki Midoriya is from the same anime.

So, Ryo Inui was relaxing there in the dark but he got worried later as I killed his owners who tried to kill me just because I went to their lands to capture some photos.

I was riding in the frost area to capture some water experiences and it became night suddenly. I noticed the moon was following me and I was also carrying a lamp while riding the horse.

I found this old man begging in different places but I was surprised finding him there at t Cumberland Forest, New Handover in the dark and in the rain. I gave him a dollar and I might keep doing it wherever I found him. I thank the old man for being a model of this photo.

The rain stopped after a moment and the sky got clear so I got to see the half moon there so I decided to capture some photos and I tried the first frame giving it a story that the horse was trying to eat the half moon.

I was riding having a bear skin on my horseback and suddenly I Noticed smoke of that campfire and I honestly don't remember what happened after that.

It was at Shady Belle where we recently moved from Clemens Point. After saving a kid from some mobs, the gang was celebrating in the night.

That's John, the father of the kid whom we had to save and I heard he was the main protagonist in the previous installment of RDR.

A lamp and a saddle pad.

This place attracted me hard so I went there and I sat by the fire.

After a strong rain, the party place looked like this. The whole gang was looking to have some sleep at that moment.

There was cloud on the sky and I was noticing lightnings so I was trying to capture some on my camera but they didn't come visible on the frames.

Here I'm finishing the post for today and I'll come talk about more special RDR 2 gaming moments in Gaming Photography.

"The screenshots are my take but properties of Red Dead Redemption 2."


The game surely looks and sounds like a movie.
So cool.

Absolutely. The cinematic vibe of the game is truly something else, feels like being part of a blockbuster movie.

Exactly 💯 😁

I must tell you that like you I also loved those pictures of that eagle flying at night, I loved those filters to vary the color of the photo, but also at the end seeing that the photos of the campfire I also liked the variety of angles.

Thank you so much. The bird at night was truly a special moment to capture and I guess that's a crow, not an eagle. I'm glad you enjoyed the filters and the campfire shots too.

Ok if I imagined it wasn't an eagle, because eagles don't usually fly at night.

Right, not an eagle.

@tipu curate 8

Thanks for curating.