The Big Score with OBVIOUS Approach - 1.

in Gaming Photography3 months ago

This is the last height I'm trying with a different approach though I believe I'll have an option to try the other approaches in the last mission where I might get to fight Michael and Trevor as Franklin.

So, I went for the SUBTLE approach with this heist for the first time and this time I went for OBVIOUS. I had to choose the crew again along with the approach and I guess I chose the same crew that I chose the other time.

The team split up from the club where I got to drive to the bank to take a gunman with me as Michael, when Franklin went to the underground of the bank taking another gunman and Trevor went for the chopper taking Lester with him.

Now I was there in the underground in a cutter vehicle that I had to use to drill the wall into the bank vault where I got confused so I was driving it to the wrong side.

Then I went back and I reached the correct wall this time and I drilled into the vault room. It seemed like I was in a Hollywood action movie.

After parking the cutter out of the way by the wall, I went for the cages to blow them up as the cops ain't going to be long. I placed the explosive charges on the vault doors and I stepped back.

After standing back, I detonated the explosives that blew up the cage doors and all the gold bars were open for us to grab now.

There came an influx of cops behind us in the tunnel when our hired man was taking the trays of gold bars out of the cage and I was trying to hold the cops off.

Franklin died there for the first time and I had to start over from drilling the wall again and one of the crew members died this time. Franklin died again. Then I decided to use cheats to fill Franklin's health and I did it this time.

There came Trevor flying a chopper and he had Lester with him and another member of the crew came flying another chopper. We attached the gold bar trays to the winches of the chopper and we had to hold off more cops there as well.

When Franklin and the hired gunman were fighting the cops there below, I was flying the chopper away as Trevor following the other one and I had to fly out of the city.

Then I had to switch to Michael where I had another gunman with me and there we had to fight a lot more cops. There came even police choppers to take us down but I started taking them down instead. Btw, ignore the bullet wounds of Michael.

There were too many cops on the ground and there were police choppers on the air so we decided to stay on the foot path and defend ourselves.

Then Merryweather joined the police forces and there came their choppers as well that I took down. After taking down a lot more cops in the parking zone, we got into the gateaway car and now a long chase has been started.

I'll talk about the rest of the heist, in another post.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later if there's something later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.


@tipu curate 8

 3 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by and for the support.

Because I'm coming to think that the side quests about side stealing are much more interesting than the main story of the game ? lol

Written by lionsaturbix

 3 months ago  

Its not side quest, these heists are some major missions of the game and they're interesting for sure.

I see. Thanks for your clearance 🤗