The Healer.

in Gaming Photography2 months ago

I was not giving this game's concept proper time as I've been busy with real life stuffs but I explored around for some times to join some photography contest. Now after completing the Siwa chapter, I tried for something new and completed a new quest.

After discovering this new location, I found Rabiah there whom Bayek thanked first for nursing Senu back to health as he never expected to see the bird again. Bayek wanted to help Rabiah with anything as she was doing her best to heal the villagers and then Rabiah said the soldiers around were troubling her.

The soldiers stops everyone entering the village and steal the goods along with the medicines that Rabiah's friends used to bring for her, so they tried to bring the medicine on a boat instead and they sank the last shipment.

The medicine jars are scattered across the bottom of the lake that Bayek said he'd retrieve so I asked for Senu's help first to find my target and when I found it, I jumped into the lake.

I found all the medicine jars along with pieces of the sunken shop the bottom of the lake and I retrieved the medicine jars. Then I had to bring the jars back to Rabiah who was at the "House of Life" in the abandoned temple.

I borrowed a fisherman's boat to reach the shore fast but as I didn't slow the boat down when I was almost at the shore, the boat got destroyed and I just left them behind as I had nothing to do there.

Then I rode to Rabiah and found her treating ill villagers outside the abandoned temple.

Bayek asked Rabiah why aren't the patients in the temple ruins and Rabiah replied that the soldiers threw them out even though she pay the nomarch to allow her to use the temple. Then Rabiah talked about a group of soldiers who comes every week and give them trouble.

Bayek said he'd take care of the soldiers so I went ahead and found the first one whom I took down with bare fists.

There were more of them inside and before they could come close to me, I shot them with arrows and took them down one for one arrow without giving them a chance to attack me.

Then there was one whom I decided to take down with sword fight and when I did that with one more, another one came over and almost attacked me but I shot him with an arrow before he landed his attack.

Now there were two more of them inside and I had to kill all these soldiers pillaging "the "House of Life" and this time I tried some twists on the fights. After climbing on top of a tower, I went ahead and shot down one of the two soldiers.

Before the other one could even noticed what just happened there, I jumped on him and knocked him down and I noticed an ill villager got fine seeing me in fight, LOL.

I returned to Rabiah to tell her the temple is her now as the soldiers won't bother her anymore. Then Bayek gave her the medicine that he retrieved from the sunken boat and the quest was completed after that.

I'll show more of my photographic journey of games in the future so stay tuned to my blog if you liked them.

The screenshots are taken by me personally from my gameplay and I borrowed the game's logo from DevianArt.


It was a great adventure in that place, very good scenery

 2 months ago  

You're right, thanks for stopping by.

@tipu curate 8

 2 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by.

I got bored of this game a few months ago but seeing these pictures makes me want to not totally give up on it. Perhaps once I wear out Hogwarts

 last month  

I totally feel that as I lived it myself. I also gave up on this one and the later two (Odyssey and Valhalla) and I'm actually getting back for the graphics and to understand the main concept no matter how boring the repetitive gameplay is.