I found a Rot Cater.

in Gaming Photography2 days ago

My journey in looking for the corruption in the Village Heart Caves continues but I had to go through a lot of things on this journey and I met a Rot Cater among all the things in the caves. The beast was in deep sleep so I had to wake it first just to send it to its ternal sleep.

After collecting my reward from the cursed chest last time, I tried to make my path using those broken stones and I did it also which led me to my next route. But wait, was I ignoring something behind where I noticed a magnet flower that would take me somewhere?

Well I went back and used one magnet flower first and when I was on air, I had to shoot on this one and then I fell in the water but the flower still pulled me there where I found my 54th rot.

Then I made the path again and I kept following the route that took me inside this cave where I noticed the poison water around. I just had to ignore these waters as it'd kill me if I jump or fall in there.

I was moving ahead and I noticed a waterfall of the poison water and there I was going up right above the poison water and I'd get to that platform on my first try but I fell below as I was distracted for taking the photo. Later I had to try multiple times to jump top.

I noticed the rot there when I was moving ahead and I just found my 55th rot there. I'm building them up easily, though I still don't know the benefit of collecting all these rots, I mean only a few could do what I've been asking them to do.

Then I reached this dungeon where I noticed some poisons around and a root of a forest tear that needed a tear to get grow. And there was this monster that looked like was in hibernation.

At first I was trying to wake the beast up but it didn't work so I was looking around for a tear and I noticed one right above to the root that I shot and the forest tear grew up. Not only he forest team came visible, there came some enemies and I had to keep them busy first.

When I was keeping the monsters busy with the rots and forest tears as they were only going for it when I was using it, I was destroying the poisons around as well which woke the big beast up.

This beast is entitled with Rot Cater and it looks like a special kind of lizard. I started attacking it using the rots first but then it did something that hit me and I fell on the ground and then I became serious about it.

The beast called some bees to help it fighting me so I took care of the bees first and then I used both the tear rot and hammer rot to fight it and I took it down after all.

Then I purified the dead heart zone there to clear my way forward and I noticed this statue needed my help to get free from the poison and I got some crystals as reward to clear the poison around it.

I'll show what happens next later.

I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to use in the thumbnail.

This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.


I love the glow of the magic flowers that you find in this game, they look very beautiful.

Great captures 🤗 @tipu curate 8