More than the Badge [Note: Disturbing pictures inside].

in Gaming Photography3 months ago

The quest to catch the thieves didn't end as we haven't found them yet. I had to race to the alley by Beancup Coffee which I did but I didn't find the thieves there but some zombies found me and both my search for the thieves and my fight against the zombies continues.

After going on the roof where I found a zombie and I slayed him, I opened the map to see where I had to go next as I'm playing without any visible HUD. Then I noticed I had to look on the other sided alley of Beancup coffee and there I noticed a poster with a shit word on it.

There was Jimmy Montana on the poster and it looked like the thieves are not really fans of Jimmy.

After finding the poster and another location on the map, there came some zombies along with a screamer. The screamer as attracting more zombies so after slaying down the other ones, I slayed down that special specimen as well.

I opened up the map again and I found I had to head towards MegaPark now to catch the thieves and this place was right beside the sKope store. I had to burn some zombies on the alley of the sKope and then I had to slay more after reaching the alley of MegaPark.

I found another poster of Jimmy Montana with the same shit word written on it and there was another on the glass of the van and I noticed bloodstains around. After finding the posters, there came more zombies and I had to fight them again.

Now I had to climb on top of this roof through the van where I found a lot of blood and it looked like the ambushers got ambushed. I found a note there on the blood and it was for Jimmy.

It looked like Jimmy knew what these guys were planning and he was in it and then Jimmy confirmed through the comms that it was just talk, he didn't know how Reuben was running things.

Now I had to head to the nearest Burger 66 which was up the back stairs, in the plaza area and Jimmy said it was part of the plan. I reached the spot which should be the end of the road for the thieves and it looked like something took them all out.

Ryan was guessing whatever killed the thieves, got the manager's pass in its teeth so he was thinking of luring it out and I found a Butcher there.

Taking down the butcher was not so easy as it's a rare species and it kept trying to heal itself up by eating human flesh so I tried hard to stop if from eating any flesh and at last I slayed it down and I found the manager's pass.

I could hear the noise of the alarm that went off in the hotel from this far so I rushed there to save the others and I had to fight a horde there.

After dealing with some zombies there, I gave the pass to a lady named Ava who ran to switch the alarm of but I had to deal with more zombies there before she did.

Then I went to Jimmy to have a talk when I thought Ryan would be rude to him but he was soft and appreciated Jimmy running the crew now.

I'll show what happens next later.

I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to work on the thumbnail in Adobe Photoshop.

This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.


Great captures bro, thanks for sharing

Written by lionsaturbix


You're most welcome 🤗