The Search for New Villages!

in Gaming Photographylast month

Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

I am back to share some more beautiful shots from the extensive world of Minecraft. I have shared the place we settled in this survival world last time around and this time it is time to explore a bit more of the surroundings and get a better understanding of our neighbouring biomes. The more you know, the better it is...right?

In this journey

A good day starts with attending your farms...right? Collecting sugarcane with the first rays of light was not a bad start even though the farm is fairly big enough.

After putting all the stuff and arranging my inventory, I set out in a boat. A river surrounds our base and it is one of the fastest ways to travel for now, until we kill the Ender Dragon and get some wings from the End dimension.

But the river didn't seem to connect to the ocean so I had to walk. On this journey, I found a lot of animals, most common are chickens. These buggers are everywhere and we can't seem to get rid of them.

As you can see I am using a shader that changes the look of the game a lot. I like it even though it is a bit tough on my GPU. But sacrificing a few frames for some cool lighting effects is doable...right?

A good way to know where you are is to get on the tallest mountain you find. So, I climbed the mountain on the north, it had a lot of cherry trees and the plains from here looked beautiful.

I found a very serene village located close to a lake. It was the perfect time to get there and I didn't have to sleep outside. Had to forcefully take a villager's bed and sleep on it. Poor guy had no choice but to give up. He also knew who had the diamond sword. xD

That lake next to the village looked so beautiful during sunset. I love the following shot.

I didn't want to fight a lot of mobs so it was time to sleep and the village will be explored later tomorrow. It was time to see all the traders and take some nice pictures. I love this location and this could be our second base too.

Just a few hundred blocks from here, I found a river. This one looked bigger than the one we had next to our base. It was cutting through the

Sadly, it ended up abruptly and that stopped my boat ride for now. Although, this place gave me an idea for another building project. I am thinking of a small island fort in the middle of this water. That would be something cool...right? I took note of the coordinates and continued on my journey.

Is it just me or do the sunsets look so damn good with this shader pack? Love those skies and the light work. This scene has nothing out of the ordinary but the lighting makes it a soothing composition. Those pumpkins helped a lot as well. They aren't too useful in the game apart from these, I guess. xD

I had to sleep next to these pumpkins for the night and the next day it was time to go back to the house. It took me a couple of days but I got back safely (mostly lol).

Thanks for reading.

Until next shot...

  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game Minecraft using Complementary Reimagined Shader Pack.


You have adapted to the place you settled in a short time, my friend. It is a very good development for you to move forward and explore the environment. The photo of the sugar cane looks real. It reminds me of the crop gardens in my hometown. Likewise, the lake next to the village looks very realistic and beautiful. If it were me, I would have taken over the villager's house, not his bed. 😂
Great discovery my friend. 🧐

Sending you an Ecency curation vote!

Thank you!


It's my pleasure

what a beautiful image!! Aren't you getting a little tired of minecraft?
it's always the same for me, I usually get the diamonds, do the occasional technical farm and get bored.

These photos are great, dude l of the anocheser in the lake is my favorite.


Buenas plantaciones de caña

All the shots are spectacular.
But the village on the shore of the lake is another level.


I just love the scenic shots. Btw, I don't see @bemier around you. What did you do to her?

@tipu curate 8

She is on a 'real' adventure for some days. lol

Oh I see. And here I was thinking you did something to her character.

I came back! He abducted me! Jk, I was searching for villages irl 😂

"She is on a 'real' adventure for some days" - @pravesh0

This is how abductors work nowadays? Damn.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
pravesh0 tipped tennoribe
(2/5) @pravesh0 tipped @melinda010100

When I saw this game years ago, it didn't have such beautiful graphics, but they've changed a lot and they've succeeded. Maybe you should have shared this post today (Valentine's Day) while watching the sunset with @bemier 😂😂

We are using some resourced packs too so it helps a lot. Ve ne yazık ki beyimiz 14 şubat gibi günleri anlamsız buluyor. Açısı haklı fakat bazen insan istiyor işte. (Bir gün değil her gün diyenlerden)

Tamam her gün yapsın o zaman aslan parçası kdkdkddk


What a great job you did on your screenshots, I love your resource pack, they look very real.

Written by lionsaturbix