I am all in... Premium, Tribaldex and Leodex

in Cryptocurrency5 months ago (edited)

Feeling like a Dragon

  • Today I purchased my Premium Subscription on Inleo as part of LPUD and came up with the Big Three.

Big Three

  • The three legs of the stool to support Inleo and the Inleo Flywheel.
  • Yes I am talking about the three legs of financial support for the Flywheel of investment to get the productivity wheel turning and get Inleo marching towards self-sufficiency and higher prices.


  • This is of course Leg One where you spend 10 HBD month to provide financil suport to increase liquidity in the Hive-Leo pool on Hive-Engine and Tribaldex, an important component of the success of Leodex

Tribaldex Liquidity Pool Hive-Leo (swap.hive-leo)

  • This is an important second leg of the stool of financial support, as the ability to swap Hive for Leo is a crucial part of trading Hive for Level One Assets like Bitcoin or Ether or USDC, and conversely trading those level one assets for Hive.
  • Trading volume feeds the flywheel buying back Leo to make it scarce and depositing it in liquidity pools to facilitate trades on Hive through Leodex.

Cacaoswap/Leodex Liquidity pool; Cacao-Leo

  • This is the third leg of the stool of financial support for the flywheel creting liquidity on leodex so trading volumes goes up, as larger trades occur, and fees feed the flywheel buying Leo to make it scarce and adding liquidity to the pool.


  • Leodex.io is the decentralized exchange built to be the first cross blockchain exchange not based on Ethereum or Binance and which is connected to Hive!

  • Leodex.io allows cross chain trading of Hive to Bitcoin, Hive to Ether, Bitcoin to Hive, Ether to Hive, and other

  • The fact that our token Leo is the utility token for Leodex.io and it connects us to Thorswap, and the smaller exchanges Cacaoswap, Aztec Swap and the large Rune Ecosystem.

  • This is our Uniswap Moment!

  • This is our chance to be part of a historical start of a globally known decentralized cryptocurrency exchange.

  • This gives investors in Leo the same opportunity as investors in Uniswap, potentially Life Changing Wealth. for both Leo holders and Hive holders because both

Put your money where your mouth is...

  • In the USA we say Put Your Money Where Your Mouth is..., and we mean that if you believe in somethings ultimate success, you should invest your money in it. So in this case if you believe in Inleo, you should consider investing some of your money in the three stool legs listed above, to help it succeed. This is not financial advice, all investments carry a risk of loss. This is just a clear message that financial support is needed to push our project higher.
  • After all Inleo isn't going to succeed just based on @khaleelkazi efforts alone.
  • And not only do we need to use the tools being built, but we need to invest money.
  • of course I am not saying put your life svaings into this project, but if you have disposable income no matter how small, you can added leo and hive to the pool on Tribaldex. Or the pool Cacao-Leo on leodex.io or if you have a little more to give buy Premium.
  • The beauty of being part of a commuity of almost 20,000 members, if we each invest one dollar we have 20,000 dollars. If we each invest 5 dollars, we have a hundred Thousand Dollars. Looking at the leodex pool there's 68,000 in it now. If 20,000 people deposited 5 dollars the pool would be t 168,000 and one of the biggest on TribalDex, which would attract more investors from the rest of hive..because people feel safety in numbers.

So are you all in?

  • You don't have to invest a lot, but if each of use invests 1-5 dollars it will make a huge difference in the liquidity and the size of the trades it can handle.
  • So if you are able please chip in... if you need help you can ask any of the friendly Discord Helpers on the Inleo Discord.



Leodex Picture Source


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's hard to argue with the notion that even small contributions by a large number of people will help the project leodex.io succeed. In a day, so many politicians have gone to millions of small contributions from their consituents and abandoned a few large contributions. No one would ignore or turn down large contributions, but the power of a community as large as Inleo / Leofinance getting everyone to contribute very small amounts is very great.

Fact. Everybody helping out a little — as they can — is definitely an important part of success.

Sadly, I will likely be on the sidelines for the rest of the year, due to unexpected truck repair and a new water heater for the house. Sometimes we have to put our money where it is demanded.


I hear that loud and clear.
We have to pay our bills first, food, shelter, etc..

Tribaldex is the trading pair Hive-Leo?
Leodex is the trading pair Cacao-Leo?
These trading pairs are how the dex makes it easy to trade BTC or ETH for Hive in a one stop shop, right?

Yes the trading pairs on Tribaldex and Leodex are essential to the trade of Hive to Bitcoin. The trade involves a few steps to get to Bitcoin, but all that is invisible to the user.

The stool will be more stable on four legs, but some people like three lol, good luck with premium! :) !VSC

True, what do you think would be a good fourth leg?

In any case, one of the points of support should be common sense, or cold reason !VSC

Intellect over Emotion

Did you come to this conclusion yourself? Rather, everything should be both, one without the other is a chicken with a cut off head that continues to run :) !BEER

I have always felt that we should use primarily our intellect, but it should be tempered with emotions like empathy and kindness, recognizing it sometimes will be effected by greed, jealousy or envy.

This is the human condition, one plagued by both brilliance and stupidity, empathy, joy, kindness, plus indifference, meaness and cruelty.

We are capable of all these things, but our genes, our parents, friends and those whom we love influence us greatly, as to we actually become the person we are, probably flawed, but hopefully relatively good..

Everything is very individual, for example, thinking about how Gerald Durell realized his dream and became the owner of the largest zoo, then, without emotions for animals, about which you can read a lot in his book Zoo in my luggage, his intellect and deep knowledge of zoology would be a dry cracker that he could not wash down with tea.
Or another example, unnatural, only emotions comparable to excitement made the blind Schliemann continue to search for Troy and he found it. These are just two examples of the success of people, intellectuals, who were overwhelmed with emotions.

Got year of premium. Hope to be in all three soon.

I hope the Premium works out well for you. Maybe we can create a club for the people working towards three legs, people join as they get a leg!

Feels like it already is working. 😁

Thats great. I think Premium paid off for me originally, with greater upvotes from leovoter and so I have continued it.

Can you join this community?


I would like to build up the number of members and expand it's reach for the articles.

I like the suggestion that we all put some skin in the game. While we can't all contribute thousands of dollars or even hundreds, perhaps something small like you suggest is doable for many of us.
I like the Dragon Driving the car graphic, pretty cool.

Good points in this post.
You make a very good point, we would rather have a hundred contribute 10 dollars then one or two contribute a hundred dollars. Small participation amounts by everyone wwould really help.
I will take a look, I can contribute to the Hive-Leo pool easily with the Hive and Leo I have, and although it won't be much, every body contributing a little will add up.

Love the graphic, but perhaps a Lion Graphic would be better?

Check out the new picture.

Thank you.
Good point, I will change the cover picture.