Rebellion Sneak Peeks No.3


Welcome summoners to our Rebellion Sneak Peak! We will be revealing more new cards on our blog before the Rebellion set hits the Mavs server!


Ulund Overseer

With 17 health at max level, the Ulund Overseer weighs in as the beefiest unit in the game. Add in his 10 armor, he can take just about anything your opponent throws at him. He’s got Flank, too, which means you can put a powerhouse melee unit like Mantaroth or Jared Scar in the second position and absolutely shred your opponent’s tank. Or give this beefcake Weapons Training so he can dish out some damage of his own.

The ulund are a fiercely territorial race, and their overseers are the weighty enforcers of their city-state’s borders. Massive girth undulating, earth trembling beneath each lumbering stride—the sight of one leading a charge is unlike no other.

In combat, their physical efforts largely consist of simply standing firm. It serves their ulund compatriots well, however, as the overseer’s thick hide creates a nearly impenetrable barrier.

Ulundin may have bowed to the Chaos Empire but their overseers continue to protect the integrity of its borders with a mix of pride and stubbornness… as well as a healthy dose of passive resistance.


Pirate of Eight

Ahoy, matey! The Pirate of Eight is a four-mana unit that start at level 1 with both Reach and Blast. No matter what league you play in, she’s sure to play a critical in your strategy as you plunder your opponent’s booty. Arr!

The Pieces of Eight are an infamous crew of pirates led by Captain Corin Drace, who commands eight fleets totaling nearly seven-hundred ships. They are the bane of the three seas of Praetoria, sailing its coasts and raiding the merchant and trading ships that carry goods from one port to another.

And things have only gotten worse since they aligned themselves with the Chaos Empire. Not only do the Pieces of Eight control the seas, but their pirates can be found in practically every port, where they take what they want from the ships in the harbor before heading to a local tavern to have a good time—namely, getting falling-down drunk and riding roughshod over the locals.



Not only does Croire have Flank, but he’s got Weapons Training, too, and Rebellion has a whole slew of No Attack units just itching to pick up a sword and carve up your opponent. They’ll have plenty of time to do it too, thanks to Croire’s Heal.

Croire makes his living on the streets of Mox City, stealing from the rich and giving to… well, giving to himself, actually.

But it’s hard to find a mark with the Chaos Empire’s legionnaires in town. Nowadays, anything from petty theft to a belligerent look can earn you a trip to the gallows.


Chaos Golem

The Chaos Golem is a formidable tank that, with its Retaliate and Return Fire, can tear up your opponent’s melee and ranged attackers. And once its health drops, its Enrage ability is sure to wreck havoc on anyone who takes a swing at him.

The pride of the chaos animator Tenni Mayla, the formidable chaos golems are a blend of magic and mechanics that serve the Chaos Empire as voiceless, tireless, and highly lethal sentinels. They act as an extension of Tenni’s will and, subsequently, tend toward a nefarious streak.

The Rebellion card set brings endless dimensions of strategy to the Splinterlands as battle mages face off against one another in arena combat, fighting for fortune and fame. New abilities, Dual-elements, and Tactics lay the groundwork for a whole new level of gameplay.

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to test your skills in the arena as you prepare for the coming Rebellion!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will go to @sps.dao.