Artwork : the final pencil sketch that is worthless

in del5 years ago


Artwork : the final pencil sketch that is worthless

Today, before taking a long break, I sketched a face again, according to my own imagination, in making a sketch of a woman's face.

This drawing that I made, my main goal is to try to motivate friends who want to show their art, using a pencil. and not use color ink or brushes.


I hope many budding friends, who have joined the community, can think of their own work, which they want to show here.

I also say thank you to my friends who have supported me in voting, there are every pictures I have made, taking the time to look and read.


I have also tried as much as possible in making the pictures that you see, in some form of sketches of faces in the picture. and say thank you to all of you here.

I mean, in drawing face sketches, in my blog post it is not to compete or show my skills in drawing, but only wants to, fulfill my posting material, in the pencil art that I have had so far. in

The final sequence of images I made today is, let's look at it below:

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


image cleaning 1


image cleaning 2


Image complete


Drawing material


that's the sequence of the pencil art drawings that I have made, which I have spent several hours, to make a picture of, which I want to show in this community. that I made sequentially, so that many can take examples to make another image, which the user wants. in a community.

an artist's work can only be remembered forever in a life's memory

I thank all of you, who have seen and read, in this my post blog .
I end with the words, greetings @sultan-aceh

DrawingSketch Pencil Drawing
Drawing by@Sultan-Aceh



O.. beautiful smile of girl's face

you are really doing a great job drawing this daily

Wow. What a really nice artwork. It resembles my little niece 😀😀