Time for a contest again, where you are the author
Prizes : Upvotes to be won
(You will get a reward from me with a good upvote)
Digital art made by @xpilar
Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture
You join easily,
Press Joined to join the community and press new post and you post it here in THE WORLD OF XPILAR.
When I read it here I will give you a reward with upvote from me.
The size of the upvote is determined by how good the story is.
Use Re-steemed on your own post here and it
will also be on your blog page for your followers
See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size
Here you see a bit when I create the image in
the 3D program before I put on effects and colors

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art
If you want to write a story, it must be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story 
My digital image competitions have no deadline, so it is also possible to choose other images I have had in previous competitions. It allows writers to use images they like to use their imagination and create a story.
See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size
Here you see a bit when I create the image in
the 3D program before I put on effects and colors
I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art
If you want to write a story, it must be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story
My digital image competitions have no deadline, so it is also possible to choose other images I have had in previous competitions. It allows writers to use images they like to use their imagination and create a story.
How to Join the WORLD OF XPILAR Community and Decentralized Community
I am a new comer here. introduce me from Indonesia, I'm 33 years old. I found out about you from @aulia1993. and this account was given by him. because I registered but it hasn't been received in 2 weeks.
this is my link to your image.
thanks for great description @akainu
This is cool
This is my post
thanks for great description @daniella619
Okay boss
!BEER !COFFEEA !SHOPhttps://steemit.com/hive-180932/@cloudblade/5-star-ring-satellite-5
thank you @cloudblade for your thoughts and description
Here mi entry:
Hi friend @xpilar!!! https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@mllg/hail-new-world-salve-nuevo-mundo-the-image-is-made-of-own-imagination-and-thoughts-competition-73
thanks for the great story @mllg
Oh yeah.
Another competition
This is my story
thanks for great poetry @ddn688
Thank you for the competition
Simple entry of me
Posted using Partiko Android
thank you @nevlu123 for your thoughts and description
This one inspired me to make another story - hope you like it - also joined your world :) https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@seadbeady/freewrite-the-corona
thank you for your thoughts and description @seadbeady
thank you for your lovely work of art :)
Excellent work
thank you @sherbano
@xpilar I was trying to figure out what the image was , but cannot figure out can you please explain a little what exactly it is. Looking like space ship and outerspace
Hi @adityajainxds
here it is your imagination that counts, everyone will see different things when they look at the picture. And yes, it can also be like space ship and outerspace
Por aquí ando algo enredada desde mi celular inteligente algún día saldrá un celular que con tan solo mirar sabrá todo mientras esto fue lo que pude hacer un abrazo equipo:
thank you @lisfabian for your thoughts and description
thanks for the great poetry @botefarm
Excellent work
thank you @jamilderoj
Hello friend @xpilar, my story. https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@issymarie/competition-73-el-futuro-de-la-vida-el-renacer-de-la-raza-humana-the-future-of-life-the-rebirth-of-the-human-race-esp-eng
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @issymarie
an amazing story, maybe it will happen in our future
Greetings, @xpilar! Here, my entry: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@zeleiracordero/abitterremedy-humjp9umtw
an amazing story @zeleiracordero
my entrance
thank you for the story and thank you for supporting Mission: "Agua-Possible"
thanks for the great story @blanca56
thanks for the great story @elcorrecamino
Excellent work
thank you @noziking
Greetings friend @xpilar, here I leave my participation: https://steemit.com/hive148441/@sincroniadivina/historiadeficcininspiradaenlaimagendigital73dexpilarmovimientofeministaradicalexterminatorsofmenseproponeeliminarelgneromasculinodelafazdelatierra-5evedw1bl1
Hi @sincroniadivina
an amazing story, but it's scary.
This could be the start of a great movie script
Thanks for your supportHello, e-mail @xpilar, oh if it is scary, that's why I put the story as a warning call so that the different movements do not fall into extreme fanaticism.
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Hey @xpilar, here is a little bit of from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.