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RE: Happy New Year

in Just Because3 years ago (edited)

I love my PC. I love the full keyboard where my fingers can fly.

My Mom's laptop has flat keys and I can hardly type on it. LOL.... and I totally detest doing anything more than short texts or emails on my phone. That one finger typing drives me nuts !

Glad you are being able to work it out in a way that is happy to you.

Happy New Year !


A full size keyboard is he only way to go. I just wish they made them to where they lasted longer. One of my first keyboards with the round keyboard plug lasted for a really long time, no sticky keys no keys that would not type when clicked. When they did away with the round keyboard plug on computers we got an adapter for it and that key board lasted for about 15 years before succumbing to a fully loaded sugared up cup of coffee. It just was never the same after that.

Now that you mention it, my earliest keyboards did seem to last forever. One only died when I spilled some grapejuice in it....LOL....

I was fortunate that some years back my company did a clean out of extra/old inventory. There was such a pile of it, that they let us go and take some of it with the stipulation that we take it home and not leave any of it at our desks, defeating their purpose of cleaning out. Among a few other things, I took several good keyboards, so have had extras as the cheaper ones died young deaths....heh...

I don't think I realized there was an adaptor. I just didn't think of it to go look.