I said the same thing when the Venezuelan government was installed:
"It is just one more ruler..... There is nothing to fear".
And they are still there hurting the people of my country.
Thank you @blitzzzz for reading my article and commenting on it.
Lo mismo dije Yo cuando se instaló el gobierno venezolano:
"Es tan sólo un gobernante más... No hay que temer"
Y aún siguen ahí haciendo daño al pueblo de mi pais.
Gracias @blitzzzz por leer mi artículo y comentarlo.
I agree with the @blitzzzz, although this tool is really powerful so we need to be cautious. The fear came from the sudden explosion in AI tools that are available to the public. Most of these tools that we can use now were in development for 3-5 or even more years. I don't think we are in any danger, at least for now.
Another fear that I see lately is that civilization is waking up to the fact that technology is advancing faster than our inner reflection and philosophical knowledge. So I can see how that scares people into thinking that technology takes over, or in other words, AI takes over.
It is quite clear what you state in your comment; there in my article it is explained in detail... The reason to be afraid is because some people do not analyze the situation that if it is the human being who creates the algorithms to be used in artificial intelligence, it is the same human being who includes within that algorithm the details that will protect the human species, in case any failure occurs in those systems, in fact they are "artificial".
Thank you @awesomeintrigue for your good comment.
Es bastate claro lo que expones en tu comentario; ahí en mi artículo se explica con detalles... La razón de tener miedo será porque algunas personas no analizan la situación de que si es el ser humano quién crea los algoritmos para ser usados en la inteligencia artificial, es el mismo ser humano quién incluya dentro de dicho algoritmo los detalles que protejerán a la especie humana, por si ocurre alguna falla en esos sistemas, de hecho son "artificiales".
Gracias @awesomeintrigue por tu buen comentario.