In 1980 the archaeologist Lino Tavares carried out a series of excavations in the city of "Freixo" exactly under the chapel "dos Mouros" and discovered a Castro settlement which dates back to the Bronze Age. This revealed something interesting and that is that possibly the Romans when they arrived found these people who still inhabited these hills and named them "savages", and one of the things that the Romans found strange in that tribe was: "look these men only have one woman". Do you want to learn more about Tongobriga? Read my post.🚩🌍
En 1980 el Arqueologo Lino Tavares realizo un conjunto de excavaciones en la ciudad de "Freixo" exactamente bajo la capilla "dos Mouros" y descubrio un asentamiento Castrista la cual data de la era de Bronce esto revelo algo interesante y es que posiblemente los Romanos cuando llegaron se encontraron con estos pueblos que aun habitaban estas colinas y los nombraron "salvajes", y una de las cosas que los Romanos vieron extrano en esa tribu fue: "mirad estos hombres solo tienen una mujer". Quieres aprender mas de Tongobriga? lee mi post.🏔️🧔🏻♂️👳🏻♀️

What is Tongóbriga?🚩🌍/Que es Tongóbriga?🏛️🧔🏻♂️

(Tongobriga) is also known as the town of "Freixo" and consists of an archaeological settlement that was initially discovered as a large Roman villa, later excavations near a church revealed evidence of (Castro) fortifications dating back to the Bronze Age, this discovery led to the conclusion that the area was already populated more than 1,500 years before Christ.🌍👳🏻♀️
(Tongobriga) es tambien conocida como el pueblo de "Freixo" y consiste en un asentamiento arqueologico que inicialmente fue descubierta como una gran villa Romana, posteriormente se descubrieron en excavaciones cerca de una iglesia pruebas de unas fortificaciones (castristas) las cuales se remontan a la era de Bronce, ese descubrimiento llevo a concluir que la zona ya era poblada hace mas de 1500 anos antes de Cristo.🏔️🚩
archaeological remains🚩⚱️🪔/restos arqueologica🧔🏻♂️

I really liked that the museum has a section where they exhibit all the things that have been found to date. Among the most important objects are some coins from different Roman times that can be dated to the period when the Romans settled in Tongobriga, the oldest being from the reign of Augustus in the 2nd century BC. We also see different decorative objects such as hair clips, clothing, some inscriptions in Latin, and even board games.⚱️🚩
Me gusto mucho que el museo tenga una seccion donde exhiben todas las cosas que se han encontrado hasta la fecha, entre los objetos mas importantes datan algunas monedas de diferentes epocas Romanas con las cuales se pueden datar el periodo que los Romanos se establecieron en Tongobriga siendo la mas antiguas del reinado de Augusto siglo II antes de Cristo, tambien vemos diferentes objetos decorativos como sujetadores de pelo, ropa, algunas inscripciones en lengua latin, e inclusive juegos de mesa.🏛️🧔🏻♂️
Why visit Tongobriga?🚩🧭/Por que visitar Tongobriga?🏛️

Few people know the term (Brácaros) and this village refers to the Roman-Galicians who spread throughout the south of Galicia to what would now be Braga in Portugal in the north of the country, those who lived further south were the "Lucianos", I personally had never visited a space that explained the behavior of the Roman people who inhabited this region and I think that is enough to visit this space and further nourish our general culture, in addition to "Freixo" being a beautiful medieval village that still maintains much of the architecture of the time, which motivates us even more to visit Tongobriga.🌻🏔️
Pocos conocen el termino (Brácaros) y esta villa hace referencia a los Romanos-Gallegos que se extendieron por todo el sur de galicia hasta lo que seria actualmente Braga en Portugal al norte del pais, los que vivian mas al sur eran los "lucitanos", personalmente nunca habia visitado un espacio que explicase sobre el comportamiento de los pueblos Romanos que habitaron esta region y creo que eso es suficiente para visitar este espacio y nutrir mucho mas nuestra cultura general, ademas que "Freixo" es una hermosa aldea medieval que aun mantiene mucha de la arquitectura de la epoca lo que nos motiva mas a visitar Tongobriga.🌳⛲
The Roman-Galician people🚩🧭/El pueblo Romano-Gallego🏛️

Generally speaking the behaviour of a Roman city was similar to others since Rome was not a nomadic people, on the contrary it was one of the most powerful empires of all time and already had an economic, social, political and military system too advanced for the time, therefore Roman laws applied to the entire empire, meaning that the currency of Tongobriga was the same one used in Olissipo (Lisbon), just as the laws were applied to every (civitas) or Roman person, the Romans normally did not pay taxes but in times of war they were forced to make loans that were then compensated with the profits generated by the conquered land.🏛️🧭
En terminos generales el comportamiento de una ciudad Romana era similar a otras ya que Roma no fue un pueblo nomada, al contrario fue uno de los imperios mas poderosos de todos los tiempos y ya poseeian un sistema economico, social, politico y militar demasiado avanzado para la epoca, por tanto las leyes Romanas se aplicaban para todo el imperio, quiere decir que la moneda de Tongobriga era la misma usada en Olissipo (Lisboa), al igual que las leyes eran aplicadas a todo (civitas) o persona Romana, los Romanos normalmente no pagaban impuestos pero en epocas de guerras eran forzados a realizar prestamos que luego eran compensados con las ganancias que generaba la tierra conquistada.🌍

Roman market⛲
Almost all Roman villas of this type were for people with a social status above average, some were claimed by military leaders, according to the article: ( this city was one of the most important of the Republican era because important decisions were made here within the territory and that is why it is classified as a world heritage site; in the Flavian dynasty a huge amphitheater was created that also served as a commercial space.⛲🧭
Casi todas las villas Romanas de este genero eran para personas con un estatus social por encima de la media, algunas eran reclamadas para lideres militares, segun el articulo: ( esta ciudad fue una de las mas importantes de la era republicana pues aqui se tomaron decisiones importantes dentro del territorio y es por eso que se clasifica como patrimonio mundial; en la dinastia Flavia se crea un anfiteatro enorme que sirvio tambien como espacio comercial.🌄

One of the chimneys found in the south of the village dates back to 320 BC and is one of the oldest objects found. It is believed to have belonged to an acropolis.
Una de las chimeneas que se localizaron en el sur de la villa tiene una datacion del 320 antes de cristo siendo uno de los objetos mas antiguos encontrados, se cree que pertenecio a una acropolis.

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