Video-Drone Roman-Medieval Bridge✈️🧭🌍 (En-Es)

in Drone3 months ago
Good morning friends who love drones, history and nature, today I bring you a post where I will pilot my Mavic over a bridge that is more than 2 thousand years old, on this river a bloody Roman battle took place that led to the conquest of the lands of "Ponte de Lima", later a bridge was built with a granite stone road to be able to circulate from the south "Lisbon" to the north "Spain", between the 2nd and 5th centuries after Christ Braga was an important Roman trade route. I hope with my post to show you the history of the bridge and some beautiful images of the Lima River.⛰️🏰

Buenos dias amigos amantes del drone, historia y naturaleza, hoy les traigo un post donde piloteare mi mavic encima de un puente con mas de 2mil anos de antiguedad, en este rio se libro una batalla Romana sangrienta que llevo a la conquista de las tierras de "Ponte de lima", posteriormente se construyo un puente con una calzada de piedra de granito para poder circular desde el sur "lisboa" hasta el norte "espana", entre los siglos II y V despues de Cristo Braga fue una importante ruta de comercio Romana. Espero con mi post mostrarte la historia del puente y una hermosas imagenes del rio Lima.🧭🚩

Images of the Lima River🚩🌳/Imagenes del rio Lima🌍🧭

The Lima River is one of the most important commercial and historical rivers in northern Portugal, it was formed thanks to the Lizandro River which comes from Spain and flows into the Atlantic, since the Bronze Age the area of ​​Braga had already been inhabited by some civilizations such as the Vigoths, who took advantage of the resources provided by the river for hunting, or using it in agriculture, later other civilizations such as the Romans and the Moors created larger and more advanced civilizations around the bridge, clearly the river was also used as a port for trade and navigation.🏰⛰️🌍
El rio Lima es uno de los mas importantes a nivel comercial e historicos del norte de Portugal, se formo gracias al rio Lizandro quien viene de Espana y desemboca en el atlantico, desde la era de bronce la zona de Braga ya habia sido habitadas por algunas civilizaciones tal como los vicigodos, quienes aprovecharon el recurso que brinda el rio para cazar, o emplearlo en la agricultura, posteriormente otras civilizaciones como los Romanos y los Moros crearon civilizaciones mas grandes y avanzadas alrededor del puente, claramente el rio tambien era usado como puerto de comercio y navegacion.✈️🕌🏫🌄

Background of the bridge🚩🏰/Antecedentes del puente🌍🧭

First of all, the Romans built the bridge to continue the Braga-Spain trade route. The calm appearance of the water made the Romans afraid to enter the water when they first came, thinking that it was a hot spring. When they crossed the river, they found a village which they managed to conquer, and at that point in history, the Romans created the ancient "city of Lima". Centuries later, it was inhabited by Arabs until the 10th century, and then the Portuguese conquered it in the 12th century.🌍🌄
Primeramente quien construyo el puente fueron los Romanos para continuar con la ruta de comercio Braga-Espana, el aspecto tranquilo del agua hicieron que los Romanos cuando vinieron por primera vez tuvieron miedo de entrar en el agua ya que pensaron que se trataban de aguas termales, al pasar el rio consiguieron una aldea la cual consiguieron conquistar y en ese punto de la historia los Romanos crearon la antigua "ciudad de lima", siglos despues fueron habitadas por los arabes hasta el X, luego los Portugueses la conquistan en el XII🚩⛰️

Later, between the 12th and 14th centuries, at the height of the medieval era, the Roman bridge was modified and a more robust one was built with typical architecture of the time. At almost four hundred metres long, the bridge crosses the entire river and now it manages to withstand the force of the river when its flow is very high. At certain times in the town, the water exceeded the level of the bridge and it held up very well.🌄🌍
Posteriormente entre los siglos XII-XIV al entrar en pleno auge de la era medieval se modifica el puente romano y se crea uno mas robusto y con una arquitectura tipica de la epoca, con casi cuatrocientos metros el puente atraviesa todo el rio y ahora si consigue resistir la fuerza del rio cuando su caudal esta muy alto, en algunas epocas de la villa el agua sobrepaso el nivel del puente y este soporto muy bien.🧭✈️

The bridge was very important at that time since it was the only way to get to "Astorga" which would be Spain, and the importance of the bridge and the river was so great that the name of the city was due to its existence!🧭🌍

El puente fue demasiado importante en esa epoca ya que era la unica via para poder llegar a "Astorga" que seria espana, y fue tanta la importancia del puente y del rio que el nombre de la ciudad se debio a la existencia del mismo!🚩🏰


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The natural beauty is very beautiful

yup Portugal is small but beauty

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