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RE: Fixed My Broken Drone With Some 3D Printing Magic

in Drone2 months ago

That's nice work! I've seen (online) some whoop flyers put a tiny piece, about 2mm across, of dense foam under the camera board so that it doesn't smack into the flight controller in a strong crash. I think that's how I killed my 533 race whoop.


Yeah, wasn't enough to protect the FC when I slammed it into a steel barrel, lol. It's dead now. I will post the video at some point this week.

Heh. My new philosophy with 65mm whoops is to use the crashed wrecks as spare parts.

That's pretty much the plan at this point. I need an ELRS controller so I am not having to drop extra for crossfire. Looking at picking up a Radiomaster Pocket.

RM Pocket is my main controller. Can recommend. I just wish it had folding sticks.

Yeah I have been debating it for a while, but think I am going to pull the trigger. I'll keep my current one as my bigger quad controller that I will be using all crossfire with.

I keep my TX16S around. It's the back up if the pocket is lost/broken and it has more switches should I need more etc. I also have a 1W ELRS module for it should I decide to do long range. But, lighter controllers, like the pocket, are just easier to transport. I'd go even lighter and smaller if I could keep reasonable sized gimbals.