I wrote 200 words instead of 250. Can you confirm that you blacklisted me due to 50 words missing ?Hello @travelfeed, I noted your message and went to read your standards. If I understand the reason, your member blacklisted me because I did not write enough words on my description? Is it the reason ?
If it's the reason of this blacklisting, I think it's a little bit strict... Maybe a nice comment to inform me that I have to write at least more 50 words should be enough. No? What do you think ?
Let me know if you accept to delette this blacklisting now that I know your standard and now that I will pay more attention ?
You are right, the reason is that your post fell short of the 250 words we require for curation. If you want to be eligible for curation on future posts, we require 250 English words in the main post (you have 96). Shorter posts will remain visible on TravelFeed, but not be considered for curation.
Usually when a post is too short that just means that it becomes ineligible for curation, we usually only blacklist spam, but a misclick happened, sorry about that! Just removed you from the blacklist.
Ok, it makes sense and I will pay attention not to do a short post. Tks