Drone Aerial Photography - New drone battery stories and The Return of Aerial photography content

in Drone10 months ago

Hello, fellow members of the Drone community! Today, I'm once again going to show you some of the photos I took with my DJI Mavic Air 2 drone camera

Long time no see for the drone-loving community here! Today, I am back with renewed vigor to share the results of my aerial photography work.

Lama tak menyapa komunitas pecinta drone di sini! Hari ini, saya kembali dengan semangat baru untuk membagikan hasil karya fotografi aerial saya.

Previously, I had a vacuum because my drone battery was damaged. It prevents me from flying a drone and producing stunning photos from the sky.

Sebelumnya, sempat vakum karena baterai drone saya mengalami kerusakan. Hal itu membuat saya tidak bisa menerbangkan drone dan menghasilkan foto-foto memukau dari atas langit.

However, the wait paid off! Today, I just received a new drone battery that the courier delivered in the afternoon. After recharging, I immediately conducted a test flight around the House.

Namun, penantian itu terbayarkan! Hari ini, saya baru saja menerima baterai drone baru yang diantarkan kurir di sore hari. Setelah diisi ulang, saya langsung melakukan uji terbang di sekitar rumah.

At this stage of the trial, there are not many interesting photos that I can share. But, trust me, I'll be back soon with more captivating aerial photos for this beloved community.

Pada tahap uji coba ini, memang belum banyak foto menarik yang bisa saya bagikan. Tapi, percayalah, saya akan segera kembali dengan foto-foto aerial yang lebih menawan untuk komunitas tercinta ini.

Thank you for faithfully waiting. Looking forward to my next photo update!

Terima kasih telah setia menanti. Nantikan update foto-foto terbaru saya selanjutnya!

All Picture Taken With Drone DJI MAVIC AIR 2 Camera

Welcome back, glad to see you are up and flying again!

I will continue to contribute and introduce the beautiful views in the area to friends all over the world and also to friends in this community that I really love. Thank you sir.Thank you for your support Mr @ksteem..

Nice Shots, love the colours.

Thank you so much my friend.
I'm glad you like my work