Drone Aerial Photography - The Excitement of Residents Watching the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Carnival and Cultural Festival

in Drone6 months ago

Hello, fellow members of the Drone community! Today, I'm once again going to show you some of the photos I took with my DJI Mavic Air 2 drone camera

In this post, I want to share some photos I took using a drone. I've compiled these photos for you in this post.

Pada postingan kali ini, saya ingin menunjukkan beberapa foto yang saya ambil menggunakan kamera drone. Foto-foto tersebut saya rangkum dalam postingan ini.

Two days ago was Indonesia's Independence Day. As usual, all citizens and government employees gathered at the field to hold a flag ceremony, just like we do every year.

Dua hari lalu adalah hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan Negara Republik Indonesia. Seperti biasa, seluruh warga dan pegawai pemerintah berkumpul di lapangan untuk melaksanakan upacara bendera, seperti yang dilakukan setiap tahunnya.

With joyful faces, people celebrated. Additionally, there was a carnival participated by students in my city. Starting from elementary school to high school, they gathered at a field wearing various traditional costumes.

Dengan wajah gembira, warga merayakannya. Selain itu, ada juga karnaval yang diikuti oleh para pelajar di kota tempat saya tinggal. Mulai dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar hingga menengah atas, mereka berkumpul di sebuah lapangan dengan mengenakan pakaian adat yang beragam.

This shows that even though we come from different tribes, all citizens can unite in diversity in the independent Nusantara of Indonesia.

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun berasal dari suku yang berbeda, seluruh warga dapat bersatu dalam keberagaman di Nusantara Indonesia yang merdeka.

Well, in this post, I will share some aerial photos showcasing the excitement of the red and white flag ceremony in commemoration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day, as well as photos of the cultural festival held afterwards. I hope you enjoy it!

Nah, pada postingan ini, saya akan membagikan beberapa foto udara yang menampilkan kemeriahan upacara bendera merah putih dalam rangka HUT RI ke-79, serta foto-foto festival budaya yang diselenggarakan setelahnya. Semoga kalian menyukainya!

All Picture Taken With Drone DJI MAVIC AIR 2 Camera

Truly fascinating! I am grateful to have been able to celebrate Independence Day last year when I was there. Thank you for sharing.