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RE: My New Play-Pretty

in Knives3 years ago

That is a beautiful blade. Never heard of Opinel but I like it.

I'm not really a knife nerd and don't know what the norms are around here, but my EDC is a Cold Steel Ultimate Hunter. I also have an ESSE-6 handy for camping and chasing the bears away from my food.



Nice! How's that work with the bears? Personally I prefer something a little longer ranged...

Well I ain't gonna lie, every time I pull that blade on a bear there's a good deal of screaming involved as well. Yell 'em away, then stab 'em if they come back.

Gotcha. Lol, the last bear I encountered was in Boulder Canyon, I was smoking cigs and bullshitting with a Saudi engineering student and when I pointed it out he started following it, thought we were going to get to test the old 'you don't have to outrun the bear, just the slowest person' joke.

LOL :D I hope it was a black bear, any other type would turn around and maul you.

Yeah, it was black bear, and smaller than full grown too. I've camped where the grizzlies roam but never actually encountered one, and would rather keep it that way.

The day I meet a grizzly will be the day I finally crack that 4-minute mile :D