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RE: My New Play-Pretty

in Knives3 years ago

After John Podesta flew over here for a few days and set up a big fake shooting in 2019 so that the horsefaced communist puppet could milk it for all it was worth, the government made certain weapons illegal and set up a buy back scheme.

A new national register, is expected to take about five years to capture the estimated 250,000 licence holders in New Zealand.

Gun owners will be required to sign up to the register when they get a licence, get one renewed, or when they buy or sell firearms.

If a licence holder is not on the register after five years, they will have to proactively sign up.

The register will be similar to the one for motor vehicles and will hold the licence holder's full name, date of birth and address, details of their licence number and any endorsements, as well as details about the firearm including its serial number and how it's stored.

The legislation will also require licences to be renewed every five years - at the moment it's 10.

Owners will also have to go through a more stringent application process: showing knowledge about the safe use of firearms and their legal obligations, behaving in a way that "ensures personal and public safety". A licence will also be required to buy magazines, parts and ammunition.


Oh hey, I watched the livestream of that! Watching the whack-a-mole game as they tried to suppress that video was a nice mix of entertaining and frightening.

Registered sounds like a whole lot of yikes. Hell, here you can walk into a gun show and buy a gun without even giving them your name or showing ID. I got my first semiautomatic rifle at age 18 this way (which is legal here, you gotta be 21 to buy pistols though), 'How much?' was the only question asked in the whole exchange.

I was under so much threat over that particular footage that I not only relmoved all links to it on my website, and removed all mention of it on all my Steemit accounts, and still to this day never explicitly talk about IT.

The threat was seven years jail and all my website content hosted on NZ servers removed.

So long before the coronahoax, the horesefaced tranny was keeping an eye on me...