It could be that the peacock experienced too much excitement and adrenaline rush, but the shock I experienced when I saw an elegant lady in black with a string of pearls hanging down from her neck, with a serious expression on her face, oh my oh my. 😍
I know... way to serious face there, so I had to write silly things to balance that seriousness hahaha 😂
{I got those white pearls from a lady who exposed on that fair dresses and jewellery from her shop. 😉}
F e n o m e n a l n o si izgledala :))))
Proslost, proslost 😂
Hvala 🤗
Ovako da mi dodjes, a ne sa migrenom, nemoj ti meni proslost :P
Jao, ta migrena je bila bas bezobrazna 😔 - do kraja dana sam popila jos po koju tabletu. Necemo je spominjati.
Onda dogovor - sa perlama dolazim, ali jarko crevene boje. Te sam nasla neki dan u ormaricu
Apsolutno, crveno na radoS' :D