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RE: Music that Brightens Christmas

Blessings to all of you and may the parrando continue this Christmas 🙏👏 😊 🎄Hello my friend ! Beautiful everything from the melody and all the choral singing the scenery makes one inspired listening to them, and I see that several had tapaboca and yet everything was sung to the same rhythm. What a great #tbt, I continue to congratulate you for your valuable and beautiful memories.

Bendiciones para todos y que siga el parrando en esta navidad 🙏👏 😊🎄.¡Hola amigo ! Hermoso todo desde la melodía y todo el canto coral la escenografía hace que uno se inspire al escucharlos, y veo que varios tenían tapaboca y sin embargo todo se cantaba al mismo ritmo. Que gran #tbt, los sigo felicitando por sus valiosos y bellos recuerdos.


Yes, the quarantine was already disappearing, but the theater forced us to sing with our mouths covered, as well as the audience, but there was still Christmas magic that day and I remember it fondly. Thank you very much for your comment. Merry Christmas!...