People that I used to know ❤️‍🩹 (eng-esp).

Maybe today's #tbt is a little bittersweet. It's just that looking through my gallery, it feels like I've lived many lives in the last two, three years, and in each of them there were things that I had to leave behind, so that a version of me could survive back then. One of the things I gained and lost a lot back then was friendships.

As I said in my [weekly reflections post]... ( ), people come and go, things too, so the ideal is not to hang on to walk light through life. In any case, it is good to honor those who passed by and left their mark.

When I was starting pre-university I found myself surrounded by a group of girls who were wonderful to me at that time. We loved to take pictures and laugh a lot, to the point that we seemed to be walking under the influence, when we only let our oddities free.

We were pretty close for quite a while until that changed. I would not like to give details of what was happening, but simply one fine day the vibe had already died down and everyone was going their own way.

I can't lie, it was painful for me, although now looking at it from another perspective, I prefer to think that the space was only being created for other people I should have known.

Now when I see them, it's clearly not the same as before. Anyway, I will always be grateful to them for all the things we went through together, and for the affection we had while it lasted.

So this has been my story for #Throwback Thursday. We will read next week, maybe with something more beautiful to remember.

This post is AI-free.
All photos used are my property.

Versión en Español

Quizás el #tbt de hoy sea un poco agridulce. Es que revisando mi galería, se siente como si hubiese vivido muchas vidas en los últimos dos, tres años, y en cada una de ellas hubi cosas que tuve que dejar atrás, de manera que una versión de mí pudiera sobrevivir en ese entonces. Una de esas cosas que gané y perdí por montones en aquel entonces fueron las amistades.

Como dije en mi post semanal de reflexiones, la gente viene y va, las cosas también, así que lo ideal es no aferrarse para andar ligero por la vida. De todas maneras es bueno hacer honor a quien pasó y dejó su huella.

Cuando estuve comenzando el preuniversitario me vi rodeado de un grupo de chicas que para mí en ese entonces fueron maravillosas. Nos encantaba tomarnos fotos y reírnos muchos, al punto de que parecíamos andar bajo la influencia, cuando solo dejábamos libres nuestras rarezas.

Fuimos bastante unidos durante un buen tiempo hasta que eso cambió. No quisiera dar detalles de lo que fue sucediendo, pero simplemente un buen día ya la vibra se había apagado y cada cual andaba por su lado.

No puedo mentir, sí fue doloroso para mí, aunque ahora viéndolo desde otra perspectiva, prefiero pensar que solo se estuvo gestando el espacio para otras personas que debía conocer.

Ahora cuando las veo, claramente no es lo mismo de antes. De todas maneras, siempre estaré agradecido con ellas por todas las cosas que pasamos juntos, y por el cariño que nos tuvimos mientras duró.

Así que esta ha sido mi historia para el #Throwback Thursday. Nos leemos la próxima semana, quizás con algo más bonito para recordar.

Este post es libre de IA.
Todas las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad.


You are right Claudio, many people come and go, although some surprise us a lot when they leave in this way. I have lots of friends from whom I have distanced myself because life has made us take different directions, but they are still good friends, there are few people who did something wrong and left through the back door, but it always hurts. It's good that so young you have this perspective, that will help you to be strong, but not everyone is bad, you just have to learn to set boundaries. I loved reading you, thanks for sharing these memories on #tbt Thursdays, I hope you get something more pleasing for yourself in the next edition 😉

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You are so right! Getting to understand all of this is just a part of growing. Be sure next week I'm going to bring something more exciting hahah. See you next week. Have a lovely day! 😁💙