La primera vez que emigre/The first time I emigrated (Esp/Eng)

in Throwback Thursday10 months ago (edited)

Hola mis amigos de hive, hoy recordé un momento mi vida, es uno de esos que se define con "Un Antes y un después" esos dónde definitivamente la vida te cambia por completo.
Está es una foto del día que decidí salir de mi país, allá por el 2016 emigre de mis país natal Venezuela a Ecuador, experiencia difícil pero cuánto aprendí y cuánto me di cuenta que era capaz sali de mi zona de confort de mi casa a rumbos desconocidos.
La foto en específico fue ya estando en Pamplona, Colombia, el viaje fue en muchos aspectos tranquilo sin mayores percances llegado a Ecuador fue que comenzaron "los juegos del hambre"😂.
Cabe destacar que no fue hasta que me despedí de mi familia que salí del terminal de Valencia mi ciudad, que me di cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo, hasta los momentos estaba contento conoceria otro país y todo.
Pero ¿Y cuando vería a mi familia? No lo sabia, salí sin fecha de regreso, no despertaría al siguiente día y tendría a mi familia, mis hermanos mi mamá, y no saber cuando los volvería a ver me llenaba de una tristeza inmensa pero no había vuelta atrás.

Hello my hive friends, today I remembered a moment in my life, it is one of those that is defined by "A Before and an After" those where life definitely changes you completely.
This is a photo of the day I decided to leave my country, back in 2016 I emigrated from my native country Venezuela to Ecuador, a difficult experience but how much I learned and how much I realized that I was capable of leaving my comfort zone of my house in different directions. unknown.
The specific photo was already in Pamplona, Colombia, the trip was in many ways calm without major mishaps. When we arrived in Ecuador, "the hunger games" began😂.
It should be noted that it was not until I said goodbye to my family that I left the terminal in Valencia, my city, that I realized what I was doing, until the moment I was happy that I would see another country and everything.
But what about when would I see my family? I didn't know, I left without a return date, I wouldn't wake up the next day and I would have my family, my brothers, my mother, and not knowing when I would see them again filled me with immense sadness but there was no turning back.

Está foto fue de mi primera navidad fuera, ese día estuvo repleto de melancolía extrañaba muchísimo a mi familia, mis costumbres, mi gente y no crean que no me gustaba el sitio donde estaba, tenía buenas amistades, una novia.
Tanto así que la ropa que llevo puesta me la dieron como regalo, tuve buenas personas a mi lado que hacían ese camino más llevadero.
El camino del emigrante no es fácil no dejas la comodidad de tu casa, tu gente, tu familia porque quieres, la dejas forzado por una necesidad no solo de sobrevivir sino de realmente vivir, de sentir que aunque pueda llegar a costar puedes alcanzarlo y tristemente en ese entonces mi país no me brindaba esas posibilidades.

This photo was from my first Christmas abroad, that day was full of melancholy, I really missed my family, my customs, my people and don't think I didn't like where I was, I had good friends, a girlfriend.
So much so that the clothes I am wearing were given to me as a gift, I had good people by my side who made that path more bearable.
The path of the emigrant is not easy, you do not leave the comfort of your home, your people, your family because you want to, you leave it forced by a need not only to survive but to really live, to feel that although it may be difficult, you can achieve it and sadly At that time my country did notoffered those possibilities.

Luego de 2 años solo, pude llevarme a mi mamá y a 2 de mis hermanas una de ellas embarazada y pude comenzar a vivir nuevas etapas y experiencias con ellas, la faceta ser hombre de casa, de que ya no vivía en la casa de mi mama sino que por el contrario ella vivía en mi casa era muy gratificante darle una buena vida a mi mama, mis hermanas y a mi sobrinita.

Muchas cosas pasaron muchas cosas han cambiado, desde entonces pero me alegra ver cuánto he progresado definitivamente no estoy donde quiero pero tampoco dónde comencé y para mí eso ya es un gran avance.

After 2 years alone, I was able to take my mother and 2 of my sisters, one of them pregnant, and I was able to begin to live new stages and experiences with them, the aspect of being a man of the house, that I no longer lived in my mother's house. But on the contrary, she lived in my house, it was very gratifying. Give a good life to my mother, my sisters and my little niece.
Many things have happened, many things have changed, since then but I am happy to see how much I have progressed. I am definitely not where I want but I am not where I started and for me that is already a great advance.

Definitivamente la música siempre ha formado parte fundamental de mi vida y se ha convertido en mi bastón pde apoyo en gran parte de mi vida.
Está fue una pequeña coral que monte en la iglesia que asistía, en medio de dificultades, peripecias y demás situaciones verdaderamente disfruté muchas experiencias vividas unas más que otras definitivamente pero este fue mi proceso, crecí me desarrolle y creo más importante aún, aprendí y siempre que se aprenda es ganancia.

Music has definitely always been a fundamental part of my life and has become my support stick in much of my life.
This was a small choir that I put together in the church I attended, in the midst of difficulties, adventures and other situations, I truly enjoyed many experiences, some more than others definitely, but this was my process, I grew, developed and I believe, even more importantly, I learned and alwayslearning is gain.

Cuando me percate que era el mismo lugar lo sentí casi poético e ironico 5 años después volvía a estar allí, pero no era la misma persona incluso, en mi aspecto físico hay una diferencia notable.
Hoy sigo estando en otros procesos y etapas de mi vida y seguiré estando después de terminar los actuales, porque de esto va la vida de esto va el crecimiento.
Gracias por leerme, Nos leemos en los comentarios. Y bueno para cerrar este #tbt quiero un antes y un después, en el mismo lugar 5 años de diferencia, casualmente cuando venía de regreso a mi país el bus se detuvo en el mismo sitio donde me tome mi primera foto cuando salí.

When I realized that it was the same place I felt almost poetic and ironic. Five years later I was there again, but I wasn't even the same person. In my physical appearance there is a notable difference.
Today I am still in other processes and stages of my life and I will continue to be after finishing the current ones, because this is what life is about, this is what growth is about.
Thank you for reading me, we read each other in the comments.And well to close this #tbt I want a before and after, in the same place 5 years apart, coincidentally when I was returning to my country the bus stopped in the same place where I took my first photo when I left.


Yesterday we talked with my husband exactly about this topic - stepping out of our comfort zone and what it was for each of us. For me, it was leaving my permanent job in a state music school and leaving everything behind actually (family, country, language, friends) and going into the unknown. I mean, emigrate to a different country and start from scratch. It is never easy but each one has a reason why shoulder should not do a step like this.

You have grown in 5 years haha :D

They are completely difficult steps that are even scary, but how much one can grow if they dare to leave their comfort zone.
Difficult changes but who would we be without them.
Thank you very much for your comment☺️

The difficulties make us grow ;)

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These days I am reading many books about immigration and many of those books are Indians. What a coincidence that I am seeing your post at the exact time when I just finished one novel which is Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee. Well, I can feel that leaving the home's comfort is really hard and difficult for a person. We always recall the memories while sitting in Alien country and it's painful. Most painful and melancholic times are of events and festivals when we remember our parents, family, friends and siblings because these are time for togetherness but in abroad there are only few and strangers.

Well, it's experience that will shape your personality. Good luck with it 🤞.

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Thank you very much for your comment.
and yes, those changes definitely shape one, even beyond what we have come to believe.

I admire you more after reading this story brother. This is a brave thing to do and whether someone returns or not, the learning of daring to migrate remains for life and strengthens people. You acquired many tools for the future here, so I have faith that you can do it all. Thank you for telling us your story and being part of Hive's #tbt Thursdays 🙏

Yes, everything is definitely a learning experience and the most important thing is always that, being able to have the attitude to be able to move forward, you don't always have the courage but you still move forward.
Thank you very much for the comment