Actually the city of Lahore is way to far it is almost 70 Miles from my hometown and I had to travel over there by local vehicle and it was going to be along journey and by considering that we have to spend a lot of time over there we should go over there early and when I woke up early in the morning and I was having my mail my pet cat appears in front of me and maybe she was the bit hungry so I feed her as well and I captured a quicks map of her with a very blurry camera as it was dark.

Have I said that I went over there and start our journey early in the morning and when you went out it was freezing cold even though there is no snow you can see in this reason but my reason is subtropical and in winter it is frosting everywhere and this what thing is very tiny which you can't see with your this for camera these are very miniature Frost particles everywhere and also there was cold breeze blowing so it was pretty much cold.
Here is ask me at my friends that person who is wearing glasses its me and the other three are my friends and may be my close friends and one of them is friend and cousin as well so we met over there and we met near a historical Pavilion in the very beginning side of this city and we spend our early hours over there.
I have no idea why but I am so much used to take self is nowadays as whenever I say someone to take my picture he always miss it up and make it more ugly than I am in real life here is my little struggles to take some quick snaps.
Then I went inside the pavilion it was a very normal historical Pavilion but it was almost 500 years old that what it makes it popular and their still traces of fresco art work up in the selling I took a selfie with it as my other friends started dancing and making tik toks they are very jolly and I love them and one of my cousin was giving hard time and you are saying that this place is very overrated and weird we should just go inside the city instead of chilling like cast he is always exaggerating everything this is his problem.
Here it is my cousin and friend when me and my friends were taking images and observing the interior of that infrastructure my cousin grab me and said come outside you have to take some selfies I have to upload them on my Facebook I love socialising and I said ok let's take some quick selfie and I took three selfies and this one which I am uploading over here was better than others and many days after when I asked him why you didn't uploaded it then he said they were not that much you know I am so mush queer and people say called me weird and this is one of the most bizzare thing about him, first begging for images and then showing uncanny behaviour but this is not his first time this infused in his nature and we can't change someone's nature. He has raised in a very tough family like his parents gave him real hell and now he has become a psychic person but it is totally fine I have still added him into my friend circle I know he is going to read my article and that's what I want to say about him.
Here is one and only my bestie Moaz whenever we met we always spend a quality time we love so hard each time we met we love so hard until our stomach hurts so how can I forget to take selfies and he love posing with me you also took a lot of images which I have uploaded below.
I think it was Sahil who took this images over taha but whoever hey did great job here is me and my friend we were on the roof of the old Pavilion behind you can see the old Garden huge Palm trees and ask having sun bath.
Indeed it was a good day and the moment we enjoyed together. You remember that upper side of baradari where I make your one video.
Yes I have uploaded it you can see in the attached video