#TBT | About a dream half-fulfilled

in Throwback Thursday3 days ago (edited)

Many things in life happen in mysterious ways. It turns out that one day I wished very strongly to have my own house in Havana. I think that at the moment I wished for that something happened that involved a lot of emotion. I won't go into details... but there are many and very diverse emotions. They are all creative, in my opinion.


But remembering that wish in particular, I imagined a house in a place surrounded by a lot of nature, from which it would be possible to reach the various parts of the city without so much hassle.
That wish came true. The Universe made its alignments for me to come to this place and build my house, and so I laid the first brick.


I would have a lot to say about the process of building a house here in Cuba, where nothing is normal. To tell it now seems simple, but it was a huge battle and a lot of work and fatigue. Sleepless nights, suffering, impotence at times when I was even swindled. One day unscrupulous persons even stole the bricks I had just put in the perimeter wall.

Money? It meant many years of zero enjoyment of pleasures and even limitations on even foods I liked to eat that were not cheap. I had to spend what little I managed to earn to pay for materials and labour for the builders.



Getting at least half of the house up and habitable since I started in 2009... has been titanic. I can talk about that a lot too, but I'd better keep the details to myself. In short, I don't think I'm a hero or anything like that. I have also received help from my parents. I remember my mother undoing her savings account so that I could make those touches that allowed me to move out of the house and stop them from stealing the things I had been able to build with so much effort.

When I look at these photos I think that it has been a long road.... More than long, tremendously hectic, with many ups and downs, and it is also true that although my house is not finished, as it is right now, I have enjoyed it very much. And I continue to enjoy it.

What I like most about it is the surrounding area and the courtyard where I have planted some trees that bear a lot of fruit. I also have some visitors every day and you have been able to see that in my posts.

Come on, I know this post is not about this but before I left home, because today I am participating in a Festival that brings together people who love cycling, this happened. I left home so happy for having been able to record this short video. I hope you enjoy this moment as much as I did.

I was excited and I'm a bit silly when I talk to animals hahaha... 😂 The little dog Chanel is also quite a spectacle.

About my dream of seeing the house finished I don't know sometimes... I get a bit discouraged, especially because it's been so many years and I haven't achieved it. Besides, other ideas and plans to improve and perhaps to be able to achieve it are coming to my mind especially in recent times.

Many people suggest to me to sell this unfinished house and move to something smaller already done, but I have attachments here. 🥺 I know these things are not good.

It's just that doing this from the beginning makes it hard to let go... 😬

What have I learned from all this? That dreams do come true but you must not stop dreaming them.

Maybe... It's that I haven't known how to handle myself well in the waiting. Or maybe... The Universe has better plans for me. 🤷🏻

These are some pictures of how I visualised my house. It was done by the architect I commissioned the plans from.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2025.


This is purely a story full of emotion attached to it. You know, my sister, your words moved me and I started thinking about building home in Capital city. I dream of it. I know it will be a lot of struggle. I am really proud of your struggling days, your tired nights and your limitations and all those situations you passed through. It is motivating.

Thank you, Taha, my friend. Anything however small that we manage to do because we determine to do so is motivating. It involves perseverance and focus, two things that in this life it is very easy to lose in the face of so many distractions. May you achieve all your dreams. That's my wish for you.


Tener fotos paso por paso de uno de los logros más importantes que podemos tener como personas que es tener un hogar, es muy bonito; tuviste momentos duros como todo en la vida, pero no cediste ni te diste por vencida, eso es lo que más vale en tu relato y por ello te felicito porque esto es una constancia y otro caso más de querer es poder 🙌😀💛... Te envío un cálido abrazo y te deseo muchas más bendiciones como esta en tu camino de vida 🙏❤️... You Absoluely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥📸❤️

PD: el video fue muy divertido 🐿️❤️

Gracias Fernando por tus buenos deseos y tu calidez. Realmente lo aprecio mucho. 😂 El vídeo yo misma lo he visto un montón de veces porque me hace reír mucho cuando la ardilla se cae. Y también me da risa ver a mi perra enganchada en el muro para ver todo lo que está pasando.
En la vida uno no debe darse por nunca vencido y aunque hay batallas en las que no siempre resultamos ganadores, pues nada... es sólo aprender que el camino continúa, que necesitamos levantarnos, sacudirnos el polvo, curarnos un poco las heridas y seguir andando. 😊
Un saludo desde La Habana. Ya comienza a calentar el sol.

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Thank you! 😉

True dreams takes a lot of effort and sacrifice. One also has to keep working at it to keep it.

Oh attachments are hard to let go of. I think most of us have some of these. Good and bad.

Maybe it's just keep moving and deal with whatever it is as you can, flowing.... I think like that now. Before it was like a constant battle.
And I'm not saying that now I don't struggle sometimes. But I have moments of clarity where I sit and breathe and say to myself: stop. It shouldn't be that way.

Thank you, Amigo.

Yes better to tackle one at a time than all at once. Chip chip chip away Amiga because sooner or later we arrive to better feeling or place

You are undoubtedly a warrior, the warrior of dreams. Reading about the process of building your house, I glanced to the left of your blog:

Dreams and desires, when conceived from the heart, are usually fulfilled. 💙

Perhaps it is not attachments that tie you to the place. You have a magical garden, and this cannot be found just anywhere. A garden that Bobap visits, jumping from branch to branch (and falling). The video is great.

A big hug, @nanixxx.

😂 Boba parezco yo hablando con los animales. Y Chanel enganchada del muro. No, si aquí se ve cada cosas... 😅

Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras de aliento. Un abrazo grande para ti, @enraizar.

Por acá ando, hoy un poco tarde. Ahora te visito... por cierto, el video es formidable. 😊

Me lo has dicho dos veces 😂. Me queda clarísimo que te gustó el vídeo.


I don't know if it's an attachment or a dream in the making, I prefer to see it that way, and it doesn't all have to happen overnight.

It's a beautiful dream, I had the same one but then I changed it, because dreams mutate. Keep going... never listen to anyone, no one knows what is best for you. Only your heart knows.

The video killed me with laughter, I also look like that talking to my cats hahaha.

That's what I was thinking, dreams mutate 😀🤔 Well, I'm a bit disintegrated now that I just got back from cycling and I need to eat a banana at least. Hahaha ... Thank you for always being there, little walker and dream-making wizard.

Buenos días!! A ir por los sueños! 🤗🤗

Querida nanita.

Me encanta ver el entusiasmo que le haz puesto a tu casita y los logros que vas alcanzando.

Yo también soy amante de la construcción (arquitecto frustrado😁) y en mi mente siempre estoy planeando remodelaciones para la casa, aunque no tenga los recursos para ejecutarlos.

Sigue siempre adelante y nunca dejes de soñar, ni de hablar con tus animalitos.

Saludos y besos.

😀 Qué lindo verte por aquí. Tú tampoco dejes de soñar amigo mío.
Un gran abrazo 🤗

Oye, qué bonito eso de construir tu casa desde 0, no todos tienen esa oportunidad, y aunque ha sido duro, como dices, la satisfacción debe ser enorme. ¡Estoy segura que la verás hecha como la has soñado! ❤️

😀🙏🏻 Quizás, estás más segura que yo. Gracias @sofathana, amiga.

😊 ✌️

Hola amiga un gusto saludarte, que lindo video, tan natural y linda esa ardilla.

Tu casa es grande y ojalá un día la puedas ver así como en los planos.

Y di me imagino el apego que tienes por ella.

Hola, 👋🏻 igualmente, gracias. Sí el video está gracioso. Yo escucho el sonido de las ardillas y los pájaros y enseguida salgo a conversar con ellos. 😂 Mi vecina también a veces me llama cuando ve cosas así que sabe que me traen felicidad.
Ojalá un día la vea acabada, si. Ya veremos qué nos depara la vida.

Dios quiera y si la veas lista como en tus sueños.

Y si debe ser gratificante hablar con ellas. Últimamente hablo con mis plantas y es bonito.