If you are from Venezuela, you will know that due to the difficult situations the country has gone through, many people have had to emigrate to other countries to seek a better quality of life, leaving empty spaces in our homes and hearts. And to be honest, no one is immune to this situation.
A few years ago, two of my best friends emigrated to the United States to start a new life with their parents, leaving many things in our country. We often kept in touch, but due to our busy schedules, we didn't have the same communication as when they were here. One day, out of the blue, they told me to open the door of my house 😂, they had come to Venezuela without telling anyone, and that's when I knew that my vacation was going to be filled with fun.

We went out to eat frequently, met with old friends, went to different places to have fun, it was very nice to be all together again. I think they are the glue of our group of friends here where we live, because even though we live in the same neighborhood, the guys and I didn't see each other at all lol.

Since they arrived, their house was the party room, where we often gathered, we had to bring a little warmth to that home that had been empty for so many years. We were also about to give their parents the adoption papers, because we spent more time at their house than at ours, hahahaha.

They were beautiful moments, but as always, everything has its end. They returned to their now home after the vacation, where they have a new life, responsibilities, and obligations.

I hope to see them again soon.
Thanks for reading <3
Text and images: @valentina23

Feliz día a todos los integrantes de esta comunidad, a quienes les gusta recordar hermosos momentos con familia y amigos, los cuales marcan momentos importantes en sus vidas y corazones. Navegando entre mi galería me encontré con algunas fotos que me dieron nostalgia pero me transportaron a momentos felices con mis lindas amigas.
Si eres de Venezuela sabrás que debido a las difíciles situaciones por las que ha pasado el país, muchas personas se han visto en la necesidad de emigrar hacia otros países para buscar una mejor calidad de vida, lo que ha dejado espacios vacíos en nuestro hogar y nuestros corazones. Y para ser sincera nadie es ajeno a esta situación.
Hace algunos años dos de mis mejores amigas emigraron a Estados Unidos para comenzar una nueva vida junto a su padres, dejando muchas cosas en nuestro país. A menudo nos poníamos en contacto, pero debido a nuestras ocupaciones no tenías la misma comunicación que cuando ellas se encontraban aquí. Un día como si nada me dijeron que les abriera la puerta de mi casa 😂, habían venido a Venezuela sin decirle a nadie, ahí supe que mis vacaciones iban a estar cargadas de diversión.

Salíamos a comer con frecuencia, nos reuníamos con viejos amigos, salíamos distintos lugares a divertirnos, fue muy lindos estar todos juntos de nuevo. Creo que ella son el pegamento de nuestro grupo de amigos aquí en donde vivimos, porque aun viviendo en la misma urbanización los chicos y yo no nos veíamos ni en pintura lol.

Desde que llegaron su casa fue el salón de fiestas, donde nos reuníamos a menudo, había que darle un poquito de calor a aquel hogar que había estado vacío por tantos años. También estuvimos a punto de darle los papeles de adopción a sus papás, porque pasábamos más tiempo en su casa que en las nuestras jajajajaja.

Fueron momentos lindos, pero como siempre, todo tiene su final. Ellos luego de las vacaciones volvieron a su ahora hogar, en donde tienen una nueva vida, responsabilidades y obligaciones.

Espero volver a verlas pronto.
Gracias por leer <3
Texto e imágenes: @valentina23 Traducción al español: @valentina233

What an awesome memory! I can imagine that your heart must have skipped a beat to see your friends show up at your door after this time apart. It was cool to read about what that meant to you, and how you spent your time together! Thanks for the read 😁
I was in shock, girl, was like having a ghost in front of me 😂
Wow, that was a cool surprise. I imagine how many happy moments you had together!!
Once we did the same, to our parents. We live in another country and one winter, and it was exactly Christmas Evening, we arrived at their doorstep without telling anyone. They were so surprised and in shock, literally in shock. They couldn't believe it. But when they realized it was not a dream, and we were really there, it was the best gift they received. 😉
That's so cute 🥺!!! The best Christmas surprise they could ever had, I guess they never imagined the possibility of you flying back to your hometown ❤️
Hello Valentina, welcome to #tbtThursdays and thank you very much for being here!. The post you shared today is beautiful because it tells us about the friendship of those moments that marked your life with wonderful people. Time always distances us for some reason, and in Venezuela we have an extra reason that has separated us, but nothing of the emotions lived with these girls will be erased. It is very nice your writing and I felt a lot of empathy with your story, you are welcome every Thursday that you have a memory to remember, Happy day! ✌️
thank you so much for your sweet words ❤️, We are in this situation where friends remain as memories, but we wish that those moments would be repeated because there is a small possibility. blessings 🙏🏻
que bonitos recuerdo Valentia💖 me identifique con lo que mencionaste porque tengo varios amigos que emigraron y aunque no se pierde el contacto entre nosotros no es igual a tenerlos cerca, por lo que termino extrañándolos un montón. Me alegro que tu si te hayas podido reencontrar con ellas ✨
Gracias por tu comentario amiga, y creo que todos tienen su momento, espero que algún día puedas encontrarte con esos amigos que tanto quieres y vivir experiencia inolvidables ❤️😘