It is interesting that you have contemplated this issue as well! I really cannot say and whenever I try to talk about alternative timelines with people I end up sounding crazy, or they think I am joking. So now I embrace the absurdity of it but, also am totally open to alternative timelines.
It is hard because half of my childhood was in the 90's and the other half in the early 2000's and, like you say, they were just totally different times! It seems like there was a shift around the turn of the century, and also it seems natural that there would be. Still, I like to keep all options open and keep space for magical and mysterious possibilities.
mhhhhm very well said.
it's good to know you are out there. to me it's crazy to pretend this place is boring and fully explained. it is much much much more mysterious, and it's a pleasure to meet people who also see it