Oh Vincent these hands and feet are so precious! I didn't realise how tiny they were until you zoomed out lol. How on earth? You have much patience I have to say. It seems like a good way to spend a few hours waiting. I dislike waiting, I'm working on this thing called "patience" that's apparently all the craze these days 🤣
What are you going to do with these feet and hands? I would absolutely love to see a scene of little tiny zombies, it would be brilliant.
Thanks for linking the podcasts as well, I have listened to yours but I totally missed Clare's - sorry @clareartista don't know how that happened 😔
I do so enjoy seeing people create interesting things like this from nothing, that process of getting stuck into something just with your imagination is magnificent. I'll be looking forward to what you do next with these limbs. Have a great day bud.
Patience sure is a virtue and a craft that takes a long, long time to master. It helps to be creative too ;<)
I lost track of the feet and hand for some days and then found them dried out in my window sill.
Will keep the tiny zombie scene in mind but I usually don't do commisioned work ;<)
I appreciate your well-thought-out comment.
Have a great day and weekend, Emma