Colorado Oracle Deck Gift For Friends, Part 3 (another 12 Cards)

in Art.4 months ago


Number 11. Kit Fox Listen...don't talk.

12.jpeg The inalienable right to migrate wherever you choose. The Lark Bunting is not Native to Colorado, although it is the "state bird" - it migrates from Mexico to Canada, stopping over in Colorado.

Number 12. Lark Bunting; Travel (it's the state bird but it's not native to Colorado - it just migrates through)

Number 13. Coyote
Number 14. Sherpretty Lake, CO Lake Trout who never gets caught and is old as dirt
Number 15. Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, CO - The Klippoth - the creations of Man always end up being inhabited by negative spirits.


Number 16. Qi; Unexpected Gift which also brings with it great responsibility.


Number 17. Smokey Quartz - Colorado has a lot of minerals, but this is actually one that I have personally found, myself.

Wild Mustangs are in the Sand Wash Basin, outside of Steamboat Springs and they are being rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management and adopted out to people. I personally work on them using the Emotion Code, for Trauma. They symbolize fighting for freedom.

Number 18. Wild Mustangs


Number 19. Bald Eagles live in Colorado year round but also migrate here in the winter. They symbolize messengers from God because they fly higher than any other bird.


Number 20. Columbine State Flower - Notice it has 2 pentacles - an upright and inverted pentacle - which means mind balance, with spirit ruling over the senses.


Number 21. Geese - another bird which migrates but also lives here year round are Canadian Geese. Lesson: Be yourself.


Number 22. Pelicans - The American Pelican stops over in Colorado. Lesson: See the humor.


Number 23. Rattlesnake - Don't Tread on Me - means that I warned you, and if you don't listen then I have the right to strike to protect myself.

Number 24. Big Horn Sheep
Number 25. Antelope


Number 26. Mountain Goat - I have seen quite a few of these characters on the Mount Evans Road, in Monte Christo Gulch and in Buena Vista, CO. Surefootedness.

Number 27. Weed & Shrooms
Number 28. Aspen Trees
Number 29. Anvil Clouds
Number 30. Hot Springs
Number 31. Guitar - The Law of Vibration
Number 32. Plant Communication
Number 33. Energy Healing
Number 34. Web Building
Number 35. Friendship - The 8th Lost Law: The Law of Care
Number 36.

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