Day 1, Gathering The Energy, for this year's Mystical Days Art Fundraiser...Solstice Energy

in Art.2 months ago

Today is the first day of the Mystical Days Portal. As I have said, you can read the background material on my blog about this project or previous posts...

I am using Gel MonoPrinting to make these pieces of art, and honestly, I am not thrilled - I do not feel "in the flow" - I feel kind of depressed. But I am ignoring all these negative feelings and pushing ahead because I don't have any other desired way to do it either - so I am venturing into the unknown with my artwork and it feels icky. However, I made 16 prints, which I will use to make the first piece - on December 30, the New Moon. Here are the prints I pulled today; all 9 x 12, acrylic and I also used tattoo ink - because I have a bunch of that left over from my brief career as a tat artist back in 2017, when I tried again - but it didn't work out -

This one, I used the leaf stencil - don't like it.

It looked cool on the stencil but I don't like how I used it today...

just many layers of paint and tattoo ink..

Again, many layers, but this time I used cardboard as an imprint.

layers of paint...

layers of paint and some drawing on the last layer...

these turned out to give me a tiny inkling of hope that this could be cool - because I liked how these turned out as stencils - I cut them out of plastic page dividers - and if I use stencils - they will likely be ones I make...and I made these today

the cut out of the wave stencil

this was sort of the most successful print but, not because I am not probably going to use the horse stencil I made - because it's too small - so this one is kind of a waste I guess - not sure -


this is the ghost print of the spiral stencil on another print that was layers of paint.

another ghost print from the spiral stencil

This is a background which I lost in the pile and forgot to do something with, oh well

This one is ok - I used a can lid for the circles


This is the 2nd print from that pull.

And the 3rd


This one - my husband just said he wants to buy - which is sweet - so it makes me feel a teensy bit better except that - I can't use the horse ones because the piece itself is much larger - so I can sell the small horse collages - which is nice - but that's not what this is about today because this is Capricorn - to be begun on the New Moon, as a piece of art to last me the whole month - before I begin the next one one - as per the document - which explains the project...but I also don't like the horse stencil I made because it's too unrealistic and chunky. I need to use thinner plastic to make the next stencils like that - like a sheet protector - that would be better I think - and give more detail.


This is the last page - which is the brayer page -where I rolled off the excess paint from the brayer and I will use it as well.


Here's the wave stencil - which I really don't much care for but I liked how the cut outs looked above...

So tomorrow, I will gather the next set - Tomorrow I believe I will only gather 8. The substrate is only supposed to be 18" x 24" total, so I am using 2 sheets of 18" x 24" paper to gather the energy - but I literally have absolutely NO idea how I am going to do this artwork, having never done collage in my life and I really don't have my bearings about it. So we shall see.

I am going to give myself permission to not limit myself to just these papers - but these papers have the energy of the Portal.

In addition, I am going to share, that I have begun doing a new type of healing work - it's a combination of Qi Gong healing and all the energy practices I have done through the years.

I have been blasting chemtrails out of the sky with my Qi and so I began to use the same techniques on volunteers who have health difficulties. I really began to work at this in a formal way yesterday, so I will continue to do that through this year and will report on it here as well - I will include my latest youtube which discusses it in detail, with regard to chemtrail blasting.

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Mystical Days Portal Art Project

Background Info on Fundraiser