The Monster of Loneli Ness - (Without) The Other Monsters

in Art.7 months ago


The Monster of Loneli Ness,
sometimes known as 'Lonely Nessie',
was throwing a pity party for itself
on a daily basis.
It was raining and there was no cake.
as you might have guessed,
no one was invited...

Even the thoughts running through this monster's lonely brain were se pa ra ted:

Nobody loves me

I hate the world!

No one has time for me!
can anyone hear me?
Why me?
Why do 'I' have to suffer so much?

I feel so freaking alone...

What's the point of this all?

and so on and so forth.

VInspiration for this monster hit me, this afternoon, while I walked back - alone - from the river beach to my house, located in the middle of (almost) nowhere.

FYI: My closest neighbors live at 5 minutes walking distance, I am single and I don't even have a dog or (a) cat(s).

And that's okay.

for the time being

I cho(o)se to live this life.

I usually enjoy my own company.

And, if you know me (a bit), you know I am not the worst person to be around ;<)

More and more, I am realizing that the emotions I pick up on - that often felt impossible to handle, as they could feel so freakin' heavy - are usually not mine.

They are broader emotions that I pick up from other people and from the world around me ( me being a hypersensitivosaurus with long antennas ) . This means these emotions and feelings don't need to overwhelm me any longer. I don't need to (over)identify with them.

I can use them as inspiration though.

Loneliness is a strong one
and one that I identified with for a long, long time.

I still do, every now and then

This emotion has clearly increased over the last couple of years, worldwide. (a)social media, the p(l)andemic and the extreme measures that were taken during this 'happening', play a part in this.

There are more people than ever and yet we seem lonelier than ever before. Part of it has to do with the fact that many have lost touch with nature and thus with their core, their inner child, their roots, their intuition.

No surprise that many of us feel like throwing pity parties on an almost daily basis.

I don't blame them

but I am happy that I am not invited ;<)

Find more info on The Other Monsters in The Ultimate Guide to the Monster of Disco and the Other Monsters


Vanlife can also be pretty l9nely from time to time. Maybe my quest for company, resulted in the huge amount of flies now in and around the van. So from now on I am saying "I don't feel loneli ness".

Oh I did read the title wrong again, I read it was something about Lionel Messi.

Maybe my quest for company, resulted in the huge amount of flies now in and around the van. So from now on I am saying "I don't feel loneli ness".

Let's see if that leads to fewer flies. Only one way to find out...

Oh I did read the title wrong again, I read it was something about Lionel Messi.

Haha! It was a wordplay on Loch Ness ;<)

aye some pretty weird times. this sensation takes many forms, bur self-pity is a regular even and especially with people who work on themselves.
like a relapse into old patterns of sorts. maybe a cat IS a good idea? it would make your ego feel like part of a tangible team, locally, and it practically feeds itself while keeping mice away from your rice stash.

wish we could invite you dude, but we still have not found a home. so i get it. we go through similar feelings unregularly. but we can remind each other that it will end again, which is unthinkably harder when you are by yourself physically.

blessings vince!

No worries buddy. I am fine.
I go through emotions with hyperspeed,
where in the past I could swallow in them for extended periods.

I will forward your well wishes to Loneli Nessie though ;<)

maybe a cat IS a good idea? it would make your ego feel like part of a tangible team, locally, and it practically feeds itself while keeping mice away from your rice stash.

No thank you.
I am more of a dog person but I don't plan to have one of my own,
until I have more of a stable life, as dogs are friends for life.

wish we could invite you dude, but we still have not found a home. so i get it.

I appreciate it. Take your time :>)

Who knows, we might see each other, soonish,
as I am getting closer and closer to actually visiting Clare,
in Guardia. Possibly even this month.

Will keep you updated.

Big hug, also to Ana ✨

More and more, I am realizing that the emotions I pick up on - that often felt impossible to handle, as they could feel so freakin' heavy - are usually not mine.

Yes!! I rather have more cows than humans around me, and strangely the less humans there are, the more friendly and kind are the ones you do meet...(or at least that was part of my recent reflections on people and energies, cities or the countryside) ...maybe because the humans in lonely places also get to preserve their energy?

Yes!! I rather have more cows than humans around me

That must be the Swiss inside of you ;<)

and strangely the less humans there are, the more friendly and kind are the ones you do meet...

Interesting observation.

I guess people in cities are usually more stressed out for sure and not as laid back as the umbrella in my post from today ;<)

maybe because the humans in lonely places also get to preserve their energy?

That might be part of it for sure.

There's less overstimulation in the countryside.

Then again, I also see a lot of sombre faces and struggling people, out here but they are usually quite friendly when you approach them and everybody greets you.

That must be the Swiss inside of you ;<)

😂 can't hide it..

...quite friendly when you approach them and everybody greets you.

Indeed, which to me makes all the difference... well on the first level, after getting to know people it's all different again.

well on the first level, after getting to know people it's all different again.

I agree. That's a different story.


I will forward your hug to Lonely Nessie.
Not sure if it will be able to accept it though
as it unfortunately doesn't love itself enough.

Poor thing.

Loneliness sucks. I like being on my own, but I can't do without peole. A conundrum.

It sure is quite the dilemma

Loneliness can be cool when it gives you space to think deeply and enjoy your own company. But it shouldn't be that way for too long I think

I think more people should create space to think deeply and work on themselves.

There's a difference between being alone and being lonely.

Yeah, we are all social creatures
but being 'social'/with others all the time,
to avoid being alone with your thoughts and working on yourself isn't recommendable either.

You're absolutely right on that there's always a time where we need to be alone.

It’s sad to throw a party for oneself and not get or have anyone around
The monster of loneliness mush be really sad about that
Well, that depicts its name

A lot of people have lost some attributes and makes them feel lonely all the time
It is never a bad thing to be lonely
It can always be cool too

Can you give an example of loneliness being cool?

When I’m lonely, it helps me to meditate
I love more times alone because I’d be able to think about the way forward and not have any distractions

You get it.
It's an opportunity to work on ourselves, to recharge and raise our vibration. That way we are nicer company and an improved version of ourselves, when we're around others.

Love to see your monsters paintings.

Thank you!✨

Most welcome dear.
