Hello everyone, I made my work Girl with blond curls, on my computer using the program Krita, using a simple Huion graphic tablet, with which I have been practicing to improve and better understand the programs and all their tools.

I started painting the background with warm reddish colors, and blended it with similar tones, because at first I wanted her to be a redhead but then I changed my mind and made her blonde. Also, she needed to stand out from the background and the yellow stood out better.

I added details to the hair, highlights and shadows, I blended little by little in parts, then I painted the skin using the paint bucket. And I shaded a little, timidly, hehe, I'm understanding how to use the program, and I made a light blush and simple eyes.

Finally add darker lines to outline and create edges of the shapes, define parts such as jaw, curls, neck, etc, and outer edges of the hair.

Espero les guste mi obra Chica de risos rubios, saludos desde Venezuela,gracias

20/01/2025.😍.😁Gracias, Feliz día / Thanks, @carlosarandaart