(eng/esp) BLACK MAGE GIRL (favorite final fantasy class)


que tal todo amigos de @hivevenezuela acabo de conocer esta comunidad y les mando un saludo desde carabobo, justamente vi un fanart en la comunidad y revisandola me parecio buena para mostrar uno de los ultimos que he hecho y es de una de las mejores clases que hay en la saga de final fantasy LOS BLACK MAGES en este caso una version femenina


como he visto fanarts de video juegos aca de seguro que conocen final fantasy si no lo conocen pues les dire que es una de las mejores sagas de video juegos que existen desde hace muchos años, creo que ya cumplen los 30 años de existencias y una de sus clases mas conocida es de los BLACK MAGES que son magos que emplean magia elemental para atacar pero tambien emplean como segunda opcion magia de curacion y bueno quise hacer un fanart de la part feminina de esta clase y en algunas versiones se clasifica como raza, pero en fin aca les dejare un poco del proceso de creacion





y aca finaliza mi post de hoy y el primero para esta comunidad venezolana, espero les guste, luego vuelvo con mas, hasta la proxima ocacion


INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/damoclesart92/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/damoclesart


How's everything friends of @hivevenezuela I just found out about this community and I send you greetings from Carabobo, I just saw a fanart in the community and reviewing it I thought it was good to show one of the latest ones I've made and it's one of the best kinds I've ever done. There is in the final fantasy saga THE BLACK MAGES, in this case a female version


As I have seen fanarts of video games here, surely you know Final Fantasy, if you do not know it, I will tell you that it is one of the best video game sagas that have existed for many years, I think that it has already been in existence for 30 years and one of the Its best known classes are the BLACK MAGES, which are magicians that use elemental magic to attack but also use healing magic as a second option and well I wanted to make a fanart of the female part of this class and in some versions it is classified as a race, but Finally, here I will leave you a bit of the creation process





And here ends my post today and the first for this Venezuelan community, I hope you like it, then I'll be back with more, until the next time


INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/damoclesart92/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/damoclesart


A blast from the past!

So, I knew about those black mages and how they look but I didn't know they were from Final Fantasy. So they have gone even beyond the franchise.

If the black mages are from final fantasy, they are, along with the chocobo and the moogles, the best known :)