Solutions provided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the recruitment of human resources in companies

in HiveVenezuela3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image Pixabay

Artificial intelligence surprises us more and more every day and is gradually finding solutions for different areas of our lives ranging from educational, service, industrial, sentimental, commercial and in this particular case the labor, as it implemented a software can evaluate job applications and determines certain important and necessary characteristics for hiring staff.

Recently the leaders magazine, made a publication where the Marketing Director of Easycrue of Spain, said in an article that the company he leads was able to develop "an AI algorithm that can be applied to video interviews, in which this algorithm could suggest and select the best profiles after performing a great analysis on the criteria of verbal gesticulation and how it accentuates the words.

This allows the participant of the job position to make a video where the system asks a series of questions related to the job as if it were a face-to-face and personalized interview and allows the company to save and have a worker from the human talent department to use in another area of interest of the administration.

It is also known that in this way the personnel in charge of the evaluation can save more time in the selection process, focusing on the evaluation of the data presented by the participants and can use the same time to validate the documentation presented as labor and personal references of the candidates. However, it is important to point out, according to the digital media El País, that the use of these tools is still "not free of legal risks". Since there are some precedents of cases of AI-based recruitment tools that have had particular biases.

Image taken from:Pixabay

We can also mention that this is not the only way in which AI has helped in the recruitment process, highlighting that there are some software that have existed for several years, such as:

Job profile:it is provided to the the job description required in various terms such as training, types of knowledge, years of experience and some other personal particularities; the Software is activated to determine which would be the most acts according to the parameters.

Resume uploading:This system can recognize, classify by type, make a selection and discard a large number of participants in a very fast time span, using an OCR character recognition algorithm mixed with Artificial Intelligence to analyze and evaluate the resumes of the interested parties and to be able to determine the most relevant data delivering a minimum shortlist for the management decision. This is currently the most widely used.

Results analysis and reporting:In this system the (AI) is able to perform a performance appraisal of the participants' activities and make a very complete report of them.

Image taken from:Pixabay

But despite the many benefits described above, the introduction of AI systems in the processes of human talent departments, such as personnel selection, still faces many obstacles. Since there are some disadvantages and limitations that have been observed around these technological advances presented so far, such as:

- The use of data requested by these systems still faces problems such as reliability, privacy and accountability of the same.

- It is very expensive to develop this type of technology, so it is only being developed by the private sector.

- Political and ideological difficulties in the public sector, unable to accept such a dizzying process of change towards AI.

- Existence of human capabilities and skills that have not been valued by machines, thus requiring human manipulation.

- The techniques employed by Artificial Intelligence are very positive when evaluating operational spaces, but are still limited in the evaluation of experts or administrative positions.

When we make any implementation of Artificial Intelligence it must be clear that the last word should always be the human factor to make decisions and not for the system to decide for a person or group of them, taking into account that these tools can serve as feedback and improve the daily work.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

bibliographic reference:

Diomer: artículo muy interesante que invita a explorar, especialmente en nuestro país, las oportunidades que puede ofrecer la Inteligencia Artificial para propiciar, en este caso que los profesionales en la gestión de talento humano puedan enfocar su tiempo y competencias en procesos que ameriten una interacción con las personas tan estrecha en la que todavía los algoritmos genéticos o la lógica difusa puedan garantizar que las máquinas aprendan a diferenciar si un gesto de incomodidad o un cambio de modulación de la voz estén asociados a un factor de la interacción o a un factor localizado como un dolor de muela o la necesidad de acudir a buscar a los niños al colegio.

Sin duda alguna el entendimiento de los protocolos que permitan generar la inteligencia artificial sumado a la detección de áreas que demanden gestiones consistentes y uniformes garantizará la confiabilidad y eficiencia de muchos procesos y, estoy seguro que también en la gestión de talento tendremos muchas aplicaciones especialmente en el diseño de aplicaciones que hagan más efectiva y grata la experiencia del trabajador activo y los potenciales candidatos a ingresar en las organizaciones.

Bendiciones y gracias por tan grato aporte. Comenzaré a seguirte a partir de hoy. Estoy retornando a la comunidad y es muy reconfortante encontrar un tópico tan interesante como éste con mucho espacio para discutir y aportar.

Diomer: very interesting article that invites you to explore, especially in our country, the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence can offer to promote, in this case, that professionals in human talent management can focus their time and skills on processes that merit interaction with people so close that genetic algorithms or fuzzy logic can still guarantee that machines learn to differentiate whether a gesture of discomfort or a change in voice modulation is associated with an interaction factor or a localized factor such as a toothache or the need to fetch the children from school.

Undoubtedly, the understanding of the protocols that allow generating artificial intelligence added to the detection of areas that demand consistent and uniform management will guarantee the reliability and efficiency of many processes and, I am sure that also in talent management we will have many applications, especially in the design of applications that make the experience of the active worker and potential candidates to join organizations more effective and pleasant.

Blessings and thanks for such a welcome contribution. I will start following you from today. I am returning to the community and it is very comforting to find an interesting topic like this with a lot of space to discuss and contribute.