(ENG/ESP) Fanart “Inktober 2024 - Day 22” – Shiryu– Saint Seiya /Fanart “Inktober 2024 – Día 22” – Shiryu – Saint Seiya.

in HiveVenezuela3 months ago


El día 22 de la lista de “Chicos Guapos y Hot de Anime / Videogames" estaba asignado al Caballero del Dragón, Shiryu del anime Saint Seiya, también conocido como "Los Caballeros del Zodiaco".

Shiryu es uno de mis personajes preferidos dentro del universo de Saint Seiya.

Fue enviado a China para su entrenamiento, allí fue recibido por el Anciano Maestro de los Cuatro Picos. Su maestro era muy estricto en el entrenamiento pero también lo trató con mucha amabilidad tanto a él como a la niña que cuidaba llamada Shunrei.

Así que, Shiryu no solo entrenó el cuerpo sino la mente y aprendió a tener control sobre si mismo. Es uno de los caballeros más nobles, ya que por sus amigos, ha sido capaz hasta de entregar su propia vida para ayudarlos.

También perdió la vista cuando, al ver que en un combate esta sería una debilidad y tomó la decisión de enceguecerse para poder ganar ante su enemigo.

Su armadura asignada es la del Dragón y una de sus técnicas de combate más poderosas es el Dragón Naciente.

Quise para este boceto, dibujarlo en su entrenamiento en la Cascada, donde su reto para obtener la armadura fue tener la fuerza para desviar el curso de la misma con una patada.

Hay dos cosas que siempre me encantaron de su diseño: la forma de sus ojos y su largo cabello. En las escenas de combate, siempre supieron como sacar provecho de estos elementos para hacer que se viera más fiero y poderoso.

Este fue el resultado:

Y estas, algunas capturas del proceso:

¡Ya falta poco para terminar la lista! Espero concluirla en los siguientes días. Las ultimas semanas estuvieron algo complicadas y no pude dedicarle el tiempo que pensaba al inicio.

¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!

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On the 22nd of the list of "Hot and Handsome Anime / Videogame Guys," was assigned to the Dragon Knight, Shiryu from the anime Saint Seiya, also known as "The Knights of the Zodiac."

Shiryu is one of my favorite characters within the Saint Seiya universe.

He was sent to China for his training, where he was received by the Elder Master of the Four Peaks. His master was very strict in training but also treated him with great kindness, both to him and to the girl he cared for named Shunrei.

So, Shiryu not only trained his body but also his mind, learning to have control over himself. He is one of the noblest knights, as he has been willing to give his own life to help his friends.

He also lost his sight when he realized that being blind would be a weakness in a fight, and he made the decision to blind himself to be able to win against his enemy.

His assigned armor is that of the Dragon, and one of his most powerful combat techniques is the Rising Dragon.

For this sketch, I wanted to depict him during his training at the Waterfall, where his challenge to obtain the armor was to have the strength to divert its course with a kick.

There are two things I have always loved about his design: the shape of his eyes and his long hair. In combat scenes, they always knew how to take advantage of these elements to make him look fiercer and more powerful.

This was the result:

And here are some captures of the process:

There’s not much left to finish the list! I hope to complete it in the coming days. The last few weeks have been somewhat complicated, and I couldn't dedicate the time I initially thought I would.

Until the next article!

*Disclaimer: *English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot of mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding. **

My blogs: Noise Steemit Hive Publish0x Medium

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My shops: Redbubble

Support: Kofi Patreon

Commissions Open: Fiverr