(ENG/ESP) Fanart “Shura of Capricorn” – Saint Seiya /Fanart “Shura de Capricornio” – Saint Seiya.

in HiveVenezuela2 months ago


Uno de los caballeros dorados más leal a Atenas era Shura de Capricornio. Shura estaba orgulloso de eso y era capaz de lo que fuera por cumplir los designios de Atenas.

Se enfrenta en su casa a Shiryu, el Dragón. En la batalla, usa su técnica más poderosa: La Excalibur. Con un simple movimiento de su mano, podía cortar lo que fuera como si esta fuera una poderosa espada. Estaba decidido a no dejar pasar a los caballeros de Bronce, quienes apoyaban a una falsa Atenas, según lo indicado por el Maestro del Santuario.

Durante la batalla, comienza a dudar si lo que está haciendo es lo correcto, sobre todo al ver cómo esos jóvenes se sacrificaban y daban todo en la batalla para salvar a la Atenas que ellos reclamaban como la verdadera.

Al ver que Shiryu utilizó la técnica prohibida por su maestro con tal de darles la oportunidad a sus amigos para que pasaran por la casa de Capricornio, Shura se da cuenta que la bebé que salvó Aioros y a la que protegían los Caballeros de Bronce era la verdadera Atenas y que en su momento, no pudo acabar con ella pensando que era compasión lo que lo había detenido, porque el Cosmos de ella se lo había impedido.

Ante esto, decide despojarse de su armadura dorada y proteger a Shiryu de que su cuerpo fuera desintegrado por la fricción de la atmósfera. De esta forma pagaba su error de haber dudado de Atenas y salvar a quienes sí estuvieron incondicionalmente a su lado.

Esta ilustración era para un art trade con otro colega ilustrador. Ya que ambos somos del signo Capricornio, pidió que hiciera una ilustración de Shura.

Quise que en su pose se viera su actitud orgullosa y hasta arrogante de saberse uno de los caballeros más leales a Atenas. Para eso, me apoyé en su expresión facial y la forma en la que sujeta su casco. Su mano derecha levantada, está lista para usar la Excalibur tan pronto sea requerido.

Así quedó la ilustración:

Parte del proceso:

Ha sido la primera vez que dibujo a Shura. A pesar que es el Caballero que representa a mi signo, no me había aventurado a intentar dibujar su armadura la cual, junto con la de Shaka de Virgo y la de Dokko de Libra, me parecen de las más complejas para dibujar.

Me gustó tanto trabajar con él, que ya lo agregué a mi listado de fanarts para hacer otra ilustración más adelante. ¡Espero que al colega le guste el art trade cuando lo vea!

¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!

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One of the most loyal golden knights to Athena was Shura of Capricorn. Shura was proud of this and was capable of anything to fulfill the designs of Athena.

He faces Shiryu, the Dragon, in his house. In battle, he uses his most powerful technique: Excalibur. With a simple movement of his hand, he could cut through anything as if it were a powerful sword. He was determined not to let the Bronze Knights pass, who supported a false Athena, as indicated by the Master of the Sanctuary.

During the battle, he begins to doubt whether what he is doing is right, especially when he sees how those young men sacrificed themselves and gave their all in battle to save the Athena they claimed to be the true one.

Upon seeing that Shiryu used the prohibited technique taught by his master to give his friends a chance to pass through the house of Capricorn, Shura realizes that the baby saved by Aioros and protected by the Bronze Knights was the true Athena and that at the time, he could not finish her off thinking that it was compassion that had stopped him, because her Cosmos had prevented him.

In light of this, he decides to strip off his golden armor and protect Shiryu from having his body disintegrated by the friction of the atmosphere. In this way, he pays for his mistake of having doubted Athena and saves those who were unconditionally by her side.

This illustration was for an art trade with another fellow illustrator. Since we are both from the sign of Capricorn, he asked me to create an illustration of Shura.

I wanted his pose to convey his proud and even arrogant attitude of being one of Athena's most loyal knights. To achieve this, I focused on his facial expression and the way he holds his helmet. His right hand raised is ready to use Excalibur as soon as it is needed.

Here’s how the illustration turned out:

Part of the process:

This has been the first time I draw Shura. Although he is the Knight who represents my sign, I had not ventured to try to draw his armor, which, along with Shaka of Virgo and Dokko of Libra, I find to be among the most complex to draw.

I enjoyed working with him so much that I've already added him to my list of fanarts to create another illustration in the future. I hope the colleague likes the art trade when he sees it!

Until the next article!

*Disclaimer: *English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot of mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding. **

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