(ENG/ESP) Illustration “Midori Character Expressions Sheet” – Angel Guardian /Ilustración “Midori Hoja de Expresiones de Personaje” – Ángel Guardián.

in HiveVenezuela4 days ago


Hoy aproveché para trabajar la hoja de expresiones de Midori, uno de los personajes de mi manga "Ángel Guardián".

Realicé seis expresiones básicas basadas en su personalidad. Midori suele ser bastante tranquila y dulce pero Kyrsiel tiene la facultad de sacar su peor lado a veces.

A pesar que él es su ángel guardián temporal, cosa que ella no sabe, lo menos que haría ella es seguir uno de sus consejos, ya que la forma tan despreocupada y simple de ser de Kyrsiel choca con su personalidad, la cual tiende a ser bastante responsable sobre todo porque toma en cuenta su rol como hermana mayor y ella siempre quiere apoyar y colaborar con su mamá para hacerle las cosas más fáciles.

Por el contrario, Gersiel logra sacar lo mejor de ella y se siente más segura y protegida cuando él está cerca. A veces, se podría decir que es Gersiel quien realmente está cumpliendo el rol de ángel guardián de Midori...¡y hasta de Kyrsiel!

Su mejor amiga es Mónica, a quien conoce desde la infancia. Al contrario de Midori, Mónica es bastante tímida e introvertida, sin embargo, ella sabe cómo lidiar con su amiga y a veces impulsarla a hacer actividades que, por su timidez, no se atrevería a realizar.

A Midori la acechan los demonios que quieren llevársela sin un motivo claro aparente. Al serle asignada a Agramón la tarea de llevar a Gersiel vivo al infierno para que sus enemigos tomen venganza, dos pequeños demonios, Ignahok y Badrukaj, se dan a la tarea de planear la mejor forma de atrapar a Midori y llevársela a su jefe para ganar puntos con él. Esos dos pequeños le darán bastante trabajo que hacer a Kyrsiel y algunos dolores de cabeza al tratar de mantener a su protegida segura.

Esta fue la hoja de referencia de expresiones realizada:

Midori es uno de los personajes con el diseño más simplificado en la historia, sobre todo en lo que se refiere a su cabello. A veces, el mayor reto con ella es lograr sus expresiones, ya que ella puede pasar de un extremo a otro de emociones en su interacción con Kyrsiel y, por lo general, son expresiones bastante exageradas.

¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!

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Today I took the opportunity to work on Midori's expression sheet, one of the characters from my manga "Guardian Angel."

I created six basic expressions based on her personality. Midori tends to be quite calm and sweet, but Kyrsiel has the ability to bring out her worst side at times.

Even though he is her temporary guardian angel, something she does not know, the least she would do is follow one of his advice, as Kyrsiel's carefree and simple way of being clashes with her personality, which tends to be quite responsible, especially because she takes into account her role as an older sister and always wants to support and collaborate with her mom to make things easier for her.

On the contrary, Gersiel brings out the best in her, and she feels more secure and protected when he is around. Sometimes, it could be said that it is Gersiel who is truly fulfilling the role of Midori's guardian angel... and even Kyrsiel's!

Her best friend is Mónica, whom she has known since childhood. Unlike Midori, Mónica is quite shy and introverted; however, she knows how to handle her friend and sometimes encourages her to engage in activities that, due to her shyness, she wouldn't dare to do.

Midori is haunted by demons that want to take her away for no apparent reason. When Agramón is assigned the task of bringing Gersiel alive to hell so that his enemies can take revenge, two little demons, Ignahok and Badrukaj, set out to plan the best way to capture Midori and take her to their boss to earn points with him. These two little ones will give Kyrsiel quite a bit of work to do and some headaches while trying to keep his ward safe.

This was the reference sheet of expressions created:

Midori is one of the characters with the most simplified design in the story, especially regarding her hair. Sometimes, the biggest challenge with her is achieving her expressions, as she can swing from one extreme to another in emotions during her interactions with Kyrsiel, and generally, they are quite exaggerated expressions.

Until the next article!

*Disclaimer: *English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot of mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding. **

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