I want to tell you about her, she is beautiful. I thought about the moment she was created and asked God why is she so beautiful? It was supposed to be goodness from the creator, it was a perfect creation, full of love. Also in that moment of reflection I thanked him, I told God that he had been good to me for putting me in her path. What I know of my beloved gives me the confidence to say that she is strong, warrior, brave.
Olvidé que su hermosura también le pertenecía a muchos, a las personas que sí la respetan, que luchan por cuidarla. Lo olvidé y por eso la dañé. Sin saber fui parte del montón que solo se enfocan en el interés personal. Me fui de su lado, ella estaba cerca pero yo estaba ausente.
En mi arrepentimiento le pregunto: ¿Me puedes perdonar?
Recuerdo sus límites, su silueta. Ella es transparente, cálida y fría, libre como un pájaro y a la vez enraizada como un árbol. Es sol y a veces nieve, es desierto y camino llano. Es inmensamente hermosa e imponente como el mar y a la vez dócil como una paloma.
I forgot that its beauty also belonged to many, to the people who respect it, who fight to take care of it. I forgot and that's why I damaged her. I was unknowingly part of the bunch who only focus on self-interest. I left her side, she was close but I was absent.
In my regret I ask her: Can you forgive me?
I remember her boundaries, her silhouette. She is transparent, warm and cold, free like a bird and yet rooted like a tree. She is sun and sometimes snow, she is desert and flat road. She is immensely beautiful and imposing like the sea and at the same time docile like a dove.
Me enteré que está enferma, está triste, llorando, sangrando, herida. ¿Qué le he hecho? ¿Cómo pude ser capaz de esto? Ahora cierro mis ojos y me imagino tomándola en mis brazos y mirando sus ojos, la veo muy herida y al verme, lágrimas caen desde sus ojos y recorren sus mejillas ¡Ay mi amada!
Qué mal me siento querida amiga al saber que ella está triste. Ya muchos se han ido, a ella le cuesta levantarse, ella sigue débil. Yo no quiero dejarla sola, no me quiero ir, sigo padeciendo con ella pero en su dolor a veces no encuentro paz.
I found out she is sick, she is sad, crying, bleeding, hurt, what have I done to her? how could I be capable of this? Now I close my eyes and I imagine taking her in my arms and looking into her eyes, I see her very hurt and as she looks at me, tears fall from her eyes and run down her cheeks. Oh my beloved!
How bad I feel, dear friend, to know that she is sad. So many are gone, she has trouble getting up, she is still weak. I don't want to leave her alone, I don't want to go, I continue to suffer with her but in her pain I sometimes find no peace.
La imagino en el hospital, con carencias de medicinas, con abusos, indiferencia social y grito con ella en brazos: ¡Un Doctor! ¡Alguien que me ayude! ¡Auxilio! Y le digo: ¡Vive, resiste, no mueras!
Me han hablado de un Doctor que es excelente, se llama José Gregorio, ojalá estuviera aquí cerca, no recuerdo si su apellido es beato o santo.
I imagine her in the hospital, with a lack of medicine, with abuses, social indifference and I shout with her in my arms: A doctor, Someone help me Help, And I tell her: Live, resist, don't die
I have been told about a Doctor who is excellent, his name is José Gregorio, I wish he were here, I do not remember if his last name is blessed or saint.
En el hospital no hay nadie, ella está muy herida. Yo seguiré abrazándola, en mi interior creo que quizás eso calme un poco su dolor ¡No mueras amada mía!
Estamos solos. Tengo miedo de no ser capaz de ayudarte. Te sigo mirando y tú empiezas a alucinar, es ahí donde sé que empiezas a morir. Cierro mis ojos y recuerdo una película que un día vi cuando era niño, donde alguien impulsaba su fuerza en el pecho de otra persona que moría y siento fuerza en mi interior y lo hago, me lleno de valor y empiezo a contar, uno, dos, tres… En ese conteo pido a Dios por ti
In the hospital there is no one, she is very hurt. I will continue to embrace her, in my heart I think that maybe that will calm her pain a little bit.
We are alone. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you. I keep looking at you and you start to hallucinate, that's when I know you're starting to die. I close my eyes and I remember a movie I saw one day when I was a child, where someone was pushing his strength into the chest of another person who was dying and I feel strength inside me and I do it, I fill myself with courage and I start to count, one, two, three... In that counting I ask God for you.
Ahora te doy de mi respiración, te lleno de mi alma, de mi interior, de mi amor y te grito con autoridad: ¡vive!
Discúlpame América, por contarte este pensamiento que me persigue durante oscuros momentos, que es recurrente en mis sueños y me lleno de miedo. Dile por favor a mi hermosa que yo me arrepiento del daño que le hice y que desde hoy empezaré a ser mejor. Que siga dando de su ser, porque ahora yo sabré retribuir su paciencia y amor. Dile que todos los días de mi vida la amaré, que en medio de mi pesar, soy feliz porque sé que aún me ama y espera por mí. Dile que siga viviendo y entrégale esta carta, sé que aún está débil y quizás no pueda leerla, por favor, hazlo tú, por eso te envío estas letras, por eso te conté mis temores.
Now I give you of my breath, I fill you with my soul, with my inner self, with my love and I cry out to you with authority: live!
Forgive me America, for telling you this thought that haunts me during dark moments, that is recurrent in my dreams and fills me with fear. Please tell my beautiful one that I regret the harm I did to her and that from today I will begin to be better. May she continue to give of herself, because now I will know how to repay her patience and love. Tell her that all the days of my life I will love her, that in the midst of my sorrow, I am happy because I know that she still loves me and waits for me. Tell her to continue living and give her this letter, I know she is still weak and maybe she cannot read it, please do it yourself, that is why I am sending you these letters, that is why I told you my fears
Te busqué porque me conoces y sabes que estoy arrepentido. Dile que me siento feliz de ser parte de ella, dile que su amor no fue en vano y que sus luchas serán siempre recordadas de generación en generación. Léele mi carta de amor y dile que soy de ella, soy de mi amada Venezuela.
I looked for you because you know me and you know that I am sorry. Tell her that I am happy to be part of her, tell her that her love was not in vain and that her struggles will always be remembered from generation to generation. Read her my love letter and tell her that I am hers, I am from my beloved Venezuela.
Gracias por leer.
Hasta una próxima oportunidad.
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Thank you for reading.
See you next time.
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