[Esp-Eng] Nuestro amor en tiempos de Pandemia - Blog /Our love in times of Pandemic - Blog

in HiveVenezuela4 years ago (edited)

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Cecilia y con mi novio, Jesús, estaremos escribiendo juntos esta sección. Hoy les hablaré del cambio tan drástico que nos tocó vivir al inicio de la pandemia:

Era un 13 de marzo del 2020 cuando nos avisaron en el trabajo (trabajamos en la Orquesta de la ciudad) que no debíamos ir, puesto acababan de anunciar que habían 3 casos coronavirus en el país. Desde ese día, pasamos de vernos de lunes a viernes, a no vernos casi nunca.

Hello! My name is Cecilia and with my boyfriend, Jesús, we will be writing this section together. Today I will tell you about the drastic change that we had to live at the beginning of the pandemic:

It was on March 13, 2020 when they told us at work (we work in the City Orchestra) that we should not go, since they had just announced that there were 3 coronavirus cases in the country. From that day on, we went from seeing each other from Monday to Friday, to hardly ever seeing each other

Foto que nos tomamos en un evento de la orquesta principios de año antes de la pandemia

Al principio, nuestra relación iba normal, ya que aún no nos echábamos tanto en falta, porque no hacía mucho que no nos veíamos, pero con el tiempo empezamos a lidiar con la ansiedad y la incertidumbre constante, la falta de contacto físico empezó a hacer mella entre nosotros, entre otras cosas que fueron sucediendo en nuestra vida. No ha sido sencillo vivir nuestro amor en tiempos de pandemia, estuvo lleno de altibajos, y nos tocó aprender a amarnos de esa manera, a la vez lejos y a la vez tan cerca. Muchas veces se nos ha complicado mantener viva la llama del amor, a pesar de ello, aún lo seguimos intentando.

At first, our relationship was normal, since we still did not miss each other so much, because it was not long since we had seen each other, but with time we began to deal with anxiety and constant uncertainty, the lack of physical contact began to make dent between us, among other things that were happening in our lives. It has not been easy to live our love in times of pandemic, it was full of ups and downs, and we had to learn to love each other that way, at the same time far and at the same time so close. Many times it has been difficult for us to keep the flame of love alive, despite this, we still keep trying.
It was on March 13, 2020 when they told us at work (we work in the City Orchestra) that we should not go, since they had just announced that there were 3 coronavirus cases in the country. From that day on, we went from seeing each other from Monday to Friday, to hardly ever seeing each other

121521706_2481784988785409_1133543509053670254_n.jpg foto tomada hace una semana durante pandemia


Hello, @yisusandcece! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

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Have a great day!