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RE: Is this worth Money? #2 : More free HiveTools for you!

in Synergy Builders • last month (edited)

the cheeky @friendlymoose looking a gift horse right in the mouth and practically demanding verbose urls in that passive-aggressive discord speak we all use.

I should have asked you money for giving you this great idea for the improvement of the service 😂

No, for real. I think this addition made it very useful for all delegation services and or communities that want to have support by delegations.
I see the skatehive community already noticed it.

I will promote your Hivetools so even more people can make use of them (for free).

I have another brilliant idea for you to build by the way. This one is not for myself by the way. But I'll get back to you on Discord 😉



For that tip I will consider your idea!


The idea is to build a tipping service. So you and other builders of Hive tools can integrate a tipping link on their website so they can receive some tips for their effords!


Submission approved!