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RE: My Top 3 Favorite Video Games

That console looks to be like a the first Playstation, but I never seen the gun for it. Very cool.

I haven't heard of DOTA but you reminded me of a computer game I played so long ago and I totally forgot about it!! Startcraft!!! OMG I lost so many hours playing that game. I loved it!

I couldn't wrap my head around GTA, there were things in there that aren't made for me lol, but I did enjoy seeing how many cops I could get to come after me before I die lol.


No, the console is way more primitive than a PlayStation.
You have mentioned League of Legends. DOTA is kind of same but better in my opinion. 😄
Starcraft is a great game. I wonder if there will be the third one. There are rumours going on though.

If it is better than I must check it out. I have to be careful though, I do have a history of game addictions..

I have only played the 3rd one but I am intrigued to see about the 2nd and curious for the 3rd. So many games to play, not enough time!

I think I found the name of that console. It is a Ty-398 and the gun is called a light gun. It was bugging me to find out what it is so I had to go on the hunt lol.

Wow, you're right that's the one 😄. It used game cards to load up new games, similar to Gameboy. Each one would cost me weeks worth of savings at that time. It was worth it though.
Yup, you might end up getting addicted to Dota as I was. It's on Steam and its free, more reasons to maybe try it out.

Oh don't tell me that! If it's a free game, I'm screwed lol.

You didn't hear that from me. 😄