Entry 3 on Henthusiast, Let's Raid Terracore #7!

in Henthusiast Haven β€’ last year

What's up Henthusiasts! πŸ€—

Another week of Raiding is HERE!!! βš”οΈπŸ’£ Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #7 πŸ’£βš”οΈ.

Everyone is encouraged to join, check out this post for more info about the activity. πŸ‘‡




This attack serves as my third entry to the Guild's Terracore Raid Activity #7. This happened more two days ago as of the time of writing this post. But I wasn't able to post it right away, the same case with my other attacks. I'll just post them chronologically.

Another NO MERCY Attack Raid! 😈
Just kidding but really, I successfully stolen juicy $SCRAP with all of my 8 attacks from @mighty-thor, @mondroid, @asert0, @toqs1986-c, @forykw, @seryi13, @osiriswill, and @jeffjagoe. 😍

Feel free to join in this activity guys, and hit me back if you want. 😁 And for today's raid, I got a total of 419.53 roll.



Although it is higher than my last attack, but it only increased more or less 9 rolls TT🀑

You can verify these data using this link:

I am also inviting you guys to Join Henthusiast Haven Guild NOW! Be a Member and Be a Henthusiast! πŸ’™

Thank you for reading and hoping to see you joining on Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #7 πŸ€—πŸ”₯

For more information on how to register, here is the link of the post: https://peakd.com/hive-186610/@hhguild/guild-member-registration-is-now-open-join-henthusiast-haven-guild-now-be-a-member-and-be-a-henthusiast