matrixcomm cross-posted this post in Anarchapulco 2 years ago

The Faces of REAL Anarchists

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

Have your kids been to summer camp lately?

AnarKids at the Kids Camp

The annual Anarchapulco event just ended for this year, but we are already making the plans for next year and our kids (our FUTURE) are taking center stage!

Lots of healthy people come out here to Acapulco each year to learn more about homeschooling, natural healing, finance and cryptocurrencies, canning, free energy, permaculture, sustainable living and just about everything you can imagine.

No jabs here

Over 600 people attended again this year (the Secret Garden can't hold more than that)! This is not a bunch of firebomb throwing, graffiti spraying, dirty hippy, flag waving socialists. These are loving, intellectual, open-minded, well-researched, freedom-minded people who want to learn more, make new friends and have fun!

Fact: The "powers that be" are conspiring to make us absolutely obedient, sick and/or dead. That is one conspiracy that is no longer a "theory".

Healthy, peaceful anarchists

Get together with like-minded people in a venue where even the seemingly "crazy" topics can be questioned and discussed openly without fear of being mocked, insulted, called names and other immature actions. This is the place where you can really feel at home with people you might normally avoid.

"Question everything" as we conspiracy theorists always say.

Awesome speakers, comedians, musicians and educators!

You will find business owners, bodybuilders, podcasters, martial arts practitioners, university professors, ex-politicians, ex-cops, natural healers, doctors, weapons instructors, digital nomads, lawyers, artists, crypto experts (HIVE!), comedians, musicians, 3d printing teachers, elderly, kids and every age in between.

REAL anarchists, voluntaryists, are peaceful people who just want to be left alone, without someone forcing their will onto them. Anarchists will not vote to have their will forced onto you either. They set the example through permaculture, lifestyle, health, peaceful parenting, questioning everything and more.

Let's Sponsor a booth for HIVE next year!

Some fun with Etymology:

  1. An-archy = without rulers
  2. An-archist = a peaceful LIVING man/woman with no master/ruler
  3. Legal-ese = the language of maritime law
  4. Govern-ment = control the mind
    Through propaganda (news, schools, movies, video games, doctors/drugs, music videos, youtube, search engines, radio, etc), weapons, extortion, police/prison, war, FEAR...
  5. Mort-gage = death contract
  6. Corp-oration = DEAD entity or group of entities
  7. United States = a Corporation, ruled by central bankers
  8. Citizen/Person = someone who has surrendered their living body to, and pledged their allegiance to obey a Corporation

Question everything and keep questioning, even when the masses have made it their truth. #NoFear