A Pediculosis Tale

in LERN4 years ago

My eyes snap open, I’m covered in cold sweat, shivering and terrified, I run to the mirror to check the massive growth on my neck, one hand on my neck and the other trying to find the light switch. When the light comes on I’m staring at a pea sized growth, relief flood my face.
Six weeks ago, I was in a community for my rural posting. Two weeks into the posting, I started losing weight which wasn’t unusual considering that my stomach is the size of a pen cover. About the same time, I felt a node in my neck which was abnormal because a node shouldn’t be palpable! But then I shrugged it off as I thought it was due to an infection or an allergy. My scalp had also been itching especially at night. Few weeks later the node gradually increased to the size of a bean. I started getting worried and decided to see a doctor as soon as the rural posting ended.
I saw a general practitioner who requested I do some blood tests and then referred me to a surgeon. The surgeon while examining me noticed some enlarged nodes in my armpit and made a diagnosis of generalised lymphadenopathy. Being a Medical student, I immediately started getting scared because two things were on my mind, it could either be a Malignancy or a chronic disease. He sat me down and started explaining what could cause this growth after which he requested I did some more investigations.
That day in my room, I was pacing up and down. My heart was racing and I was drenched in sweat. “Yepa!!!! Malig... what? No! Let this be a dream! Is this my life now? Am I dying? Is this how death looks? Am I even ready to die? Is this how I die?. Ahhhhhhhhh! No! This is the year I finally become a doctor! Oh God no! Is this the life I’ll live? Battling cancer and being a doctor?” Tears rushed down my face as I remembered the words of the doctor “I think you have a malignancy, but to be sure we have to excise the node"
Still in shock, I was barely able to sleep plus my scalp had been itching badly. I finally dozed off but I’m woken by an excited shout. “Yes!” It’s my boyfriend. “ What’s the matter?” I ask obviously irritated. He told me he has also been itching his scalp recently, so he decided to check my hair and that’s when he saw lice feeding off my scalp. “Ehen? Is that supposed to be a good news” I ask now disappointed. He then proceeded to tell me “Babe, you have Pediculosis and not some Malignancy, Pediculosis also presents with cervical node enlargement!” Filled with doubt, I grabbed my phone and looked up Pediculosis. I felt a swell of relief mixed with overwhelming gratitude and freedom!
I practically ran to the hair salon to treat my hair for lice infestation. Antibiotics was prescribed, which I took. Barely 2weeks later and the enlarged node regressed!


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