Hola queridos amigos reciban un cordial saludo.
Me complace estar un día más acá compartiendo con todos ustedes, el día de hoy quiero contarles un poco sobre lo que ha sido el progreso de mi recuperación médica ante el doloroso absceso perianal que me tocó padecer.
Hello Dear friends, receive a cordial greeting.
I am pleased to be here one more day sharing with all of you, today I want to tell you a little about the progress of my medical recovery from the painful perianal abscess I suffered.
Cómo bien les comenté hace días fui diagnosticado con un absceso perianal, al principio se presumía que se trataba de hemorroides e inclusive 2 médicos distintos coincidieron en qué tenía un problema de hemorroides, sin embargo estuve 1 semana realizándome tratamiento con Diosmina de 500mg para la circulación, una pomada de Diltiazen al 2% para la fisura anal y las hemorroides junto con ibuprofeno+Tiocolchicosido para los dolores.
Sin embargo, este tratamiento no me surgió ningún efecto dado que en una tercera revisión médica vía WhatsApp fue la que realmente dio con el verdadero diagnóstico, mediante una fotografía la Colonproctologo dio con la verdadera causa del malestar. Ella me recetó baños de asiento con agua tibia, junto con metronidazol de 200 mg (cada 8 horas) y ciprofloxacina de 500 mg casa (12 horas). Los detalles de estos antecedentes pueden leerlos acáAs I told you a few days ago I was diagnosed with a perianal abscess, at first it was presumed that it was hemorrhoids and even 2 different doctors agreed that I had a hemorrhoid problem, however I spent 1 week being treated with Diosmin 500mg for circulation, a 2% Diltiazen ointment for anal fissure and hemorrhoids along with ibuprofen + Thiocolchicoside for pain.
However, this treatment did not have any effect since in a third medical review via WhatsApp was the one that really gave the true diagnosis, through a photograph the Colonproctologist found the true cause of the discomfort. She prescribed sitz baths with warm water, together with metronidazole 200 mg (every 8 hours) and ciprofloxacin 500 mg at home (12 hours). The details of this history can be read here
Desde que me comencé a realizar ese tratamiento mi salud mejoro mucho, los dolores habían disminuido en gran manera, pero a los días pude notar que a pesar de haber culminado el tratamiento continuaba supurando por la herida. Fue entonces cuando la semana pasada decidí volver a ir a consulta médica, en dicha revisión médica le comenté todos los antecedentes patológicos al médico, al hacerme la revisión visual y de tacto la doctora pudo darse cuenta de que me había quedado una fístula y posiblemente sea de operación.
Since I started this treatment my health improved a lot, the pain had decreased greatly, but a few days later I noticed that despite having completed the treatment continued to ooze from the wound. It was then when last week I decided to go back to medical consultation, in this medical review I told all the pathological antecedents to the doctor, to make me the visual review and touch the doctor could realize that I had been a fistula and possibly be of operation.
Esto fue algo que realmente me asustó mucho, pues es primera vez que me someto a una intervención quirúrgica, pues siempre he Sido una persona muy sana. Ante tantas interrogantes que pasaban por mi cabeza le pregunté si la cirugía era obligatoria, su respuesta fue afirmativa; sin embargo, ella quiso proponerme un tratamiento alterno a la cirugía, la cual consta de ciprofloxacina 200mg (vía intravenoso) y metronidazol 500mg (vía intravenoso) cada 8 horas por 5 días, con este segundo tratamiento lo que se busca es parar la infección y proliferación de bacterias. Cabe destacar que de este último tratamiento depende si tendré que recurrir a cirugía o no.
This was something that really scared me a lot, because it is the first time I undergo surgery, as I have always been a very healthy person. Before so many questions that went through my head I asked her if surgery was mandatory, her answer was yes; however, she wanted to propose an alternative treatment to surgery, which consists of ciprofloxacin 200mg (intravenous) and metronidazole 500mg (intravenous) every 8 hours for 5 days, with this second treatment what is sought is to stop the infection and proliferation of bacteria. It should be noted that this last treatment depends on whether I will have to resort to surgery or not.
Yesterday afternoon, after having managed to raise the money needed to buy all my medicines, I asked for a quote in several pharmacies in my city. One of the great advantages that pharmaceutical franchises offer is that I can ask for all this quote by WhatsApp to compare prices and be able to choose the most economical one. After comparing in several places I was able to buy all my doses 15 bottles of ciprofloxacin, 15 metronidazole, 10 macro droppers 1 20 mm catheter and an IV obturator. The complete treatment cost me 50 $US dollars.
At 7 pm the motorized vehicle arrived with my order and at 10 pm I went to the integral diagnostic center which is 4 blocks from my house to get the treatment by road. It is worth mentioning that the medical staff working there belong to the Cuban medical mission in Venezuela, the attention was exceptional, with great kindness, they attended me and they were at my service for anything I needed.
La primera dosis fue suministrada a las 11 pm, del día de ayer y hoy, fue la segunda dosis a las 7 am, para luego volver a las 3 de la tarde de hoy y a las 11 pm para completar mi primer día de tratamiento. Este tratamiento es por 5 días hasta el día domingo 12 de febrero.
The first dose was given at 11 pm, yesterday and today, the second dose was given at 7 am, then back at 3 pm today and at 11 pm to complete my first day of treatment. This treatment is for 5 days until Sunday, February 12.
A pesar de tener mucha fe de que este tratamiento si me sanará completamente, no descarto la posibilidad de la cirugía, pues es algo que está latente; sin embargo, mantengo una inquebrantable fe en que todo saldrá bien y no ameritaré más operación. Por lo pronto seré persistente en cumplir mi tratamiento y reposo al pie de la letra para favorecer más a la recuperación, con el favor de Dios todo saldrá bien.
Although I have great faith that this treatment will heal me completely, I do not rule out the possibility of surgery, as it is something that is latent; however, I maintain an unshakable faith that everything will be fine and I will not need more surgery. For the time being I will be persistent in complying with my treatment and rest to the letter in order to favor my recovery, with God's favor everything will be all right.
Queridos amigos, muchas gracias por leerme y por haber estado al pendiente de mí durante estos difíciles días.
Dear friends, thank you very much for reading me and for being attentive to me during these difficult days.
Do you want to know more about me? I invite you to read My presentation on Hive Blog.
Author | @apolo1 |
Country | Venezuela |
CATEGORY | health lifestyle life vidapersonal spanish palnet proofbrain salud experience |
Editing and banners | Canva, Picsart and |
Photography | My Divice: Redmi Note 10s |
Hola amigo deseo que tu salud mejore rapidamente, deseo que te vaya bien con este tratamiento. Mucha suerte.
Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos amiga querida. Con el favor de Dios mejorare la verdad es que no deseo recurrir a cirugía 🥺