This post is the sign I needed to get back on track and resume better habits. My dad passed away last year from diabetes, he suffered from it for years but never took it seriously, sugar for some diabetics is like a drug. I had to watch his cognitive deterioration because of it, see him lose his sight little by little, see his strength diminish due to important renal damage, and finally a terrible urea intoxication led him to the end. We spent a week in the hospital that I think I will never forget, and he, in particular, suffered a lot. And all, all because of diabetes, which is not only to stop eating sugar, but also simple carbohydrates in an exaggerated way.
For me, on the other hand, my sugar levels go down if I am strict, I have to eat a lot of fruits, but I still have to find a balance. Better to prevent, without obsession than to suffer later. Thanks for the reminder.
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That is exactly what's happening to mine. They lose sight slowly then their cognitive is also declining. My dad also has renal damage as well and it's insane how things are progressing rather fast. It is painful to see them experience that way and it's why I hope more people will be more aware of the danger diabetes could posses and its risks. It's not something that should be taken lightly.
Try restricting carbohydrates as much as possible. Moringa olifeira and turmeric help regulate blood sugar, and avoid giving him a lot of chemical medications, because his kidneys are affected. Avoid non-steroidal drugs as much as possible, such as ibuprofen, ketaprofen, and in general anything that affects his kidneys. I hope everything goes better. And yes, we must all become aware of the reach of this terrible disease.
Unfortunately, he's beyond help.He can't eat anything solid anymore. He has it for 5 years ish apparently but we only found out from the past year