New Hobby Unlocked: Officially Entering Into My Running Era

in Lifestyle6 months ago

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Hello mga ka-Hive? How are you? I hope all of you are doing well and good. Here's a story of my running journey.

I love working out.


My favorite sport is badminton.

I was also a gym rat years ago.

I join zumbas.

I used to play volleyball.

My colleagues would name me as a sporty and active woman. I used to be on the heavier side since I was a child and I worked hard to get slim and fit. My weight had been in a series of fluctuation. I grew up with the weight around 65kg - 75kg. Year 2014, I was at 60kg, then 2015 at my slimmest with 52kg until pandemic happened that I blew to 80kg (my heaviest). Now that I have achieved my target weight which is 60kg, the hardest part for me is maintaining it with all the temptations from cravings. Especially when menstruation is fast approaching, you can't help but give in and pig out. But one thing is for sure, I don't want to go back to 80kg.



That is why, working out is a must for me to burn those calories I took. Aside that I could wear the clothes that I want, it felt great having a healthy and fit body, away from such diseases. Working out or exercising is not only beneficial for your body but also for your mind. It improves one's mental health.

But running is the exercise I love the least among all of the work outs. I run but I actually don't enjoy doing it. I don't really take it too seriously unlike any work outs that I do.


There were a lot of fun runs or marathon events here in my hometown and everyone seemed so excited to participate but to me, it was always a hard pass. But what a twisted turn of events, I started to get interested to it. With all the posts I see on social medias of people on their running journeys such as finishing marathons and fun run events, it got me thinking of hopping in to the bandwagon.

That created another goal in me, to join a 5km (kilometer) marathon or more. As what was written in my intro blog, I wanted something new and I always find something to look forward to make life interesting and less boring. Something that would inspire me. That is a very Sagittarius trait. When I found out that CCM will have a Cebu Marathon 2025 this coming January next year, surprisingly, I did not hesitate to join and run for 25km.


They have routes 42km, 25km, 12km and 6km. It was a courageous move for choosing the 25km as it is too lengthy for a beginner and for someone who has not run a full 5km marathon. However, I wanted to test my capabilities. The routes below 25km don't have a finishing medal. And I wanted one so bad to commemorate my first official marathon, so 25km it is. This is going to be my first official marathon aside from the one organized by Milo or by my school way back in College. Those were even compulsory and obviously, I just walked.

With that, there is no withdrawing and I formally announce that I am entering into my running era putting my badminton games in hiatus. It has been weeks already since I last handled a racket. I guess I will just have to let it rest for a while. See you again, soon, my Yonex Voltric Z-Force II.

The preparation.

I know I needed to train real hard and that includes a training plan. I installed the Strava application on my phone to keep me on track on my running journey.


This was introduced to me by one of my closest colleagues who also plays badminton and is currently in his running era as well. I ordered running shoes which he also recommended so that I could run comfortably without getting any injury. A good running shoes is a must.


So one afternoon, after duty, I changed to my work out clothes and wore my shoes then went to the New Bogo City Hall sidewalk. This arena is the usual jogging place of the Bogohanons. We always see plenty of people jog in the area because of its calm and peaceful environment every after work. It is safe since there are less vehicles passing by.


I opened my Strava app and pressed record to monitor my statistics. I wore my air pods to fuel me in running. Music is life.


I started with a walk and then 3 minutes passed, I slowly ran. It was a simultaneous routine - 2 minute run and 2 minute walk. This is to avoid exhaustion as I am still a neophyte in this field.


My target was to finish 5km in just 1 hour. I know that it was an ambitious target for my first run but I was really willing and determined to do it. With high-spirit, I continued doing my routine while the rays of the sun which was about to set slowly caressed my skin.


Bit by bit, sweats were released from my body which was a great feeling. This means also that I was burning calories. That ignited me to run a little bit faster than my pace. The first 10 minutes of the run was quite a struggle. I experienced a little pain at the side of my stomach which I know that I lack air. So, I do some breathing exercises while running and catch my breath while walking. I also made some adjustments in my running form to avoid pain in my legs, knees, calves and feet. And slowly, I got the hang out of it.

The estimated length of the sidewalk is about 1km or more thus, I needed 3-4 rounds to accomplish the 5km run. Never did I know that upon checking on my Strava application, I had already reached the said route within just 52 minutes or under sub 1 (1 hour). I was just too focused on my goal for that day that I didn't mind the time. I knew that I already reached 5 km yet I still continued running slash walking until I finished the track.


I lowkey punched the air accompanied with a big smile signifying success and achievement was certainly unlocked. It was an immense proud moment for me as a first time runner. I did not expect to hit my goal as someone who dislikes running. That achievement made me want to do more and to gradually increase the kilometers that would push me to my limit.

To 25km run we go!


The Strava app was indeed a great help in monitoring and tracking my run. It made me want to do more. Hence, I highly recommend for you to download and install the said app if you are planning or into running. I know I still have a long way to go but thus far, I am starting to enjoy this new work out.

Turns out, running is never bad after all.

And that's all for today's blog. Until the next one.

With so much love - XOXO,
Bev 😘


It's better to be physically fit talaga🥳 good job for the new achievement of yours👏

True miss @shymmering my body feels lighter. Thank you so much 😊

I always believe in staying active for a healthier you. Indeed yes, so much toxic sweat comes out from you give a nicest feeling ever. As for me, I'd like to indulge with nature as well as an exercise for me.

I couldn't agree more miss jo. Lahi ra jud ang makapasingot. Nindot kaayo sa feeling. Nindot pud na ang trekking nimo miss. Would love to try hahaha

How to be you po 🥹 sana all kaayo👏

Hahahah need aicar kay mahadlok nako mubalik ato nga lawas

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Eres una mujer muy atletica, eso es bueno mantener el cuerpo activo.

Hello. I can't speak spanish. I just translated this in google. Hihihi

Thank you so much. It is indeed good to be active

Hi, I'm sure you'll do great in the marathon if you keep up with your training. Best Regards😊

Thank you so much for this encouragement. Hopefully I can finish 25k. I will keep up with the training

Road to healthier life

Wow ka amazing 🥰🥰🥰

Hihihi thank you miss @swtzyserrah